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@Raagavan Sivaraja

When consumer drone manufacturer Parrot unveiled Disco at CES 2016, one of the highlights of it was the autopilot that would never let you crash it. Similar to this "Flight...

@Raagavan Sivaraja

Nuclear Fusion is the mechanism by which perpetual and clean energy sources like the Sun and other stars are powered. Scientists around the world have been researching for more than...

@Kaustubh Katdare

The nice people at Skin4Gadgets sent us a custom mobile skin for review and though I'm not a big fan of customizing the looks of my phone - I decided...

@Pradeep Pps name is pradeep, I am 2013 passout with CSE background and i have completed my 2 backlogs in the year 2015 and I got my graduation certification in April-2015....

@Radhika Deshpande

Sankaran Sreeraman completed his B.E. in Mechanical Engineering from NIT Surathkal in the year 2002. He was a very active student and actively took part in various national level symposiums...

@Akshay Nagpal

Project Abstract / Summary : The project involves the design and application of speech-to-text conversion and face recognition methods using Raspberry Pi (credit card sized single board computer) as the...

@R krishna murthy chunduri

Project Abstract / Summary : Smart Identification system (SID) “ provides information about the citizen in the country. A citizen is allotted a unique id which is called as the...


hi all.. i wanted an advanced digital signal processing project done in MATLAB..The project should be based on some IEEE paper..please help me out.

@Debasmita Banerjee

A research team from the Duke University has recently discovered a protein (TRPV2 polymodal heat sensor), which is directly linked to pain and heat perception in bodies of animals. It...


Project Abstract / Summary : Namste bot is arduino based welcome bot.When a person is standing in front of it , it senses its presence and say namste followed by...

@Vidya Kumari M

Project Abstract / Summary : The main objective of our Project is to create a Virtual Fence in order to restrict the animals within the boundary So that it eliminates...

@vaishnavi kothur

Hello, I just wanted know the trending topic for research in networking


Hello ankitta mam, am studying final year mechanical engineering and am wearing spectacule. Am I eligible for ies examination

@satwika konatala

Project Abstract / Summary : Basically video surveillance system, used for security purpose as well as monitoring systems is used in home security, military applications, traffic monitoring etc. But, Detection...

@Sahil Badani

Just yesterday, Pakistan removed its three-year old ban on video-sharing website YouTube, according to reports. This was after the Google-owned website agreed to launch a customized version that will require...