Sant Tulsidas extolled the multidisciplinary engineering skills of this Chiranjeevi in forty famous verses called ‘Hanuman Chalisa’.
This civil engineer nonpareil built the Rama Setu between India and Sree Lanka using only monkeys’ help.
He was the first aeronaut, who did the first nonstop heavier than air (though son of Vayu) flight. This was from India to Srilanka. Space travel was a child’s play to this astronaut (astronut?) CEan, who as a baby mistook the sun for an orange and took off and swallowed it.
Mechanical engineering? He moved mountains with his left hand.
The first CE sticker goes on the base of the granite statue of this great Jnaan Gunn Saagar. The statue itself was made for me by the chief sculptor of the well known Hari-Hara temple at Harihar, Karnataka and occupies a pride of place in the garden.
I shall recite the Hanuman Chalisa for labelling him a CE.

To a Chemical Engineer Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook is the Bible. I bought the leather bound third edition of this back in 1962 and use it even till date almost daily. What better abode for the second CE sticker than good old Perry?
There is no question about my being an Engineer. My granddaughter Tara (applauded by others in the family) openly declares (from far away Wash.,D.C.), ’Thatha (granddad in Tamil) you are mad’. Taken in conjunction I can perhaps claim to be a CEan at floor level. Without appearing to be too presumptuous I thought that I could put the third CE sticker on my name plate at work. I added the CE Bangalore Meet Cup that Rahul and Durga graciously brought to my office on the 11th floor from which I can see the exact scene so tastefully depicted by Rahul on the cup.
Viva la CE!