  • crook

    MemberNov 20, 2006

    How do you plan to be Rich?

    The secret question each one of us should ask to ourselves! "How do I plan to be Rich?"

    Everyone wants to be Rich 😎 ! But how? Is there a plan which works for all the Engineers? Would you mind sharing your ideas of making & growing money with others?

    Let us discuss!!
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  • desijays

    MemberNov 21, 2006

    The secret question each one of us should ask to ourselves! "How do I plan to be Rich?"

    Everyone wants to be Rich 😎 ! But how? Is there a plan which works for all the Engineers? Would you mind sharing your ideas of making & growing money with others?

    Let us discuss!!
    as an induvidual we are limited by the skills and profeciencies inherent in us.

    but as a community we can leverage the skills and profeciencies between ourselves.

    And then we can use that power to create something that has never been. To make the world a better place. Im sure this is in line with carved out agenda of 'crazy engineers'.

    As a consequence we get rich together.... intellectually and monetarily.

    So the way to get rich would be to learn, collaborate and create 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 21, 2006

    @Crook : Yet-another-good-thread, Mr. Crook 😀

    @Desijays : Perfect! [​IMG]

    Creating wealth is the answer and we @ CrazyEngineers will do that in the coming days.

    However, I think crook is looking for something more. Probably, the discussion is about investing, real estate & the techniques of growing money. Crook, correct me if I'm wrong.

    As far as my story goes, I have not yet started investing money 😒 .

    -The Big K-
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  • integratdbrains

    MemberNov 28, 2006

    Investing should always be a priority for eveyone. A penny invested wisely today will yield you dollars in future. So when spending dollars today why not sepnd that penny too in investing? 😀
    Be wise and spendthrift also today!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 28, 2006

    Investing should always be a priority for eveyone. A penny invested wisely today will yield you dollars in future. So when spending dollars today why not sepnd that penny too in investing? 😀
    Be wise and spendthrift also today!
    Let me extend this further. Everyone knows that investing helps. But only a few of us know what to invest in.

    As I see, most of us depend on Mutual Funds. I'm yet to meet anyone (there are exceptions) who invested in mutual funds & got rich.

    Let me define the 'Rich' here. Anyone who makes an yearly income of USD 1 million can be considered as Rich, say what? 😉

    Of course, the definition is different for everyone. But let's have a 1m/annum as our benchmark.

    -The Big K-
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  • integratdbrains

    MemberNov 28, 2006

    Let me define the 'Rich' here. Anyone who makes an yearly income of USD 1 million can be considered as Rich, say what? 😉

    I would like to add to it,lets get our basics clear that we cannot (for an average general individual even if he slogs) 'earn' USD 1 million so we ought to sought out the others ways i.e. through investments and trading. Mutual funds are an easy way out and just one of the many ways to increase your income (as rightly said by kaustubh).
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  • integratdbrains

    MemberNov 28, 2006

    Getting the basics clear.

    Let me define the 'Rich' here. Anyone who makes an yearly income of USD 1 million can be considered as Rich, say what? 😉

    I would like to add to it,lets get our basics clear that we cannot (for an average general individual even if he slogs) 'earn' USD 1 million so we ought to sought out the others ways i.e. through investments and trading. Mutual funds are an easy way out and just one of the many ways to increase your income (as rightly said by kaustubh).
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  • Jerry

    MemberDec 14, 2006

    If you are good investor, you will seek many ways of good investing. Has anyone among us tried investing in businesses? Its a huge risk investment, but the returns are unbelievable.

    I always look out for startups and put my money in them. I've been successful so far, except (of course) in few deals. That's my plan to be Rich :wink:
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberDec 14, 2006

    Let me define the 'Rich' here. Anyone who makes an yearly income of USD 1 million can be considered as Rich, say what? 😉

    I would like to add to it,lets get our basics clear that we cannot (for an average general individual even if he slogs) 'earn' USD 1 million so we ought to sought out the others ways i.e. through investments and trading. Mutual funds are an easy way out and just one of the many ways to increase your income (as rightly said by kaustubh).
    Rich is a relative term... for you earning 1 million is rich.
    Ask Mr mittal do he count 1 million.?

    Awaiting answer??

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  • crook

    MemberDec 15, 2006

    Rich is a relative term... for you earning 1 million is rich.
    Ask Mr mittal do he count 1 million.?

    Awaiting answer??

    1 million is just a benchmark. The idea behind this thread is to seek various ways of generating money or growing money.

    As Jerry said, investing in business can be a very good option. It would be nice if Jerry writes about investing in business.
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberDec 15, 2006

    Some methods off-the-cuff of course

    **** DISCLAIMER ****
    The author doesnt guarantee these will work. Neither does he say that the methods are tried and tested. If you try and test them, feel free to respond anyways!

    1. Buy a lottery. Pray.
    2. Get to be on the Top Management of a company about to go public. Take loads of esops. Short as many stocks you can, then sell off your own stocks. Square off and run away from India. The last part is to ensure that SEBI doesnt get you neither do the police.
    3. Become a CON-sultant (sawrry, couldnt help putting this in :-D)
    4. There is a beautiful post by my friend on his blog on how cubicles have become the next mini-retail shop. Go read that and implement!
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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 29, 2007

    Ofcourse sharing Your ideas only make you Rich among many.

    Money - impossible mission even in million or trillions.

    But Richness can be attained easily throught sharing of knowledge.

    so use a platform Like Our Crazy Team and Be Fame.

    I already started making knowledge to some Enginners and Freshers through my own web portral.

    Hope so all know it.

    You can even be Fame throught my way.

    Hope so you got in a right sense.

    Thanks and Regards,
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 17, 2007


    Sorry for bumping into an old thread, but couldn't refrain myself from posting 😀 .

    Crook, how about taking the question as "How do you plan to make your first $1m?"?

    -The Big K-
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  • contentwriter

    MemberJul 25, 2007

    A computer science Engineer can grow rich by making impressive websites and can also earn lots of money through business of internet marketing.
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  • contentwriter

    MemberJul 25, 2007

    A computer science Engineer can grow rich by earning money through creation of powerful website and can also earn money by internet marketing business.
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  • Sorayna

    MemberAug 15, 2007

    I don't think there's a plan of getting rich.It depends on every person.I think it's a matter rather of destiny.
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  • DEP

    MemberAug 18, 2007

    Read all the posts of this inTEResting thread of becoming rich. With my limited domain of knowledge i dont have much to say or share with CEans but still there is something that... to achieve anything in life the first and the foremost thing which is required is the Right attitude. Whether its about being rich or anything,anything at all one should have the passion to achieve it and if you are passionate enough you would surely find the right approach to get there.

    i might sound a bit phi-lo-sophical but this is the golden rule of life(my life to be specific). Whether you agree or disagree with me please speak up your mind.
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