Member • Jan 25, 2011
Ultraflow Transmit Time Portable Flow-Meter With Transducer
A flow meter is a meter that essentially measures the rate of flow of liquid flowing through the pipe. Tracking the flow is of utmost importance in industrial as well as domestic sector to avoid accidents and loss of the resources. At the same time, the device must be easy to use and portable. This helps us use it efficiently. To meet all these necessities we have UFTP with TRANSDUCER.
Transducers are the devices which convert any type of input signal to electrical output signal. This makes it easy for us to process the data. The UFTP is essentially designed for the liquids with less number of suspended particles but also works reliably well with more amount of suspended particles. It is both long and short term usable device.
Principle of Working
UFTP uses two transducers which functions as ultrasonic transmitter and receiver both. These are placed outside the closed pipe and that too at a specific calculated distance from each other. They can be mounted in V- mode in which the sound traverses the pipe twice, Z mode ( 3 times) or W mode( 4 times) depending upon the characteristics of liquid and the pipe. Now, the flow meter transmits and receives a specific frequency signal (sound) alternately, once in the direction of the flow and then against the flow. Naturally, the signal in the direction of the flow takes less time to travel than that, which is against the flow. These signals are detected and processed by the transducers outside the pipe. So, the difference in the two timings is the differential time of flight (dt). So if no fluid is flowing dt=0.
Thus the liquid velocity (V) inside the pipe can be calculated as
V = k*D*dt.
(Speed = distance*time)
Where k is constant and D is distance between the transducers.
Salient Features:
1. This instrument allows to measure normal flows whereas flows resulting from leakages in pipes.
2. User friendly optical interface
3. In absence of AC power, internal 12V 24 hrs rechargeable batteries serve the purpose
4. Since transducers do not have any direct contact with the liquid, accidents are avoided and maintenance is not required
5. Measures velocity up to 12 MPS (40 fps).
6. Sensitivity of 0.001 FPS.
7. It is also provided with keypad lock option and user selected access code for security.