  • The LED bulbs are fast replacing the incandescent and the CFLs across households and corporate offices around the world because they consume lesser energy and last for years. There are Phase Out Of Incandescent Light Bulbs that are phasing out the traditional filament bulbs; But you know what? The LED bulbs are so 2015 and you should roll up sleeves to welcome Graphene Bulbs. The new bulbs go a step beyond the LEDs and are likely to be the future of the lighting. Also be aware that you're likely to hear the word 'Graphene' more often than ever before.

    Graphene was discovered over a decade ago by Russian born scientists viz. Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov at the University of Manchester and even earned Nobel Prize for Physics in 2010. Graphene is an allotrope of Carbon; a 2D atomic structure - and it exhibits mind blowing properties like it's 100x stronger than steel, conducts heat and electricity with great efficiency and is transparent as well. The Graphene Bulb was developed by a company that goes by the name 'Graphene Lighting'. The bulb still relies on LED technology but is coated in graphene.

    Image Credit: #-Link-Snipped-# | Taken From Graphene light bulb set for shops - BBC News

    The Graphene Bulb promises to cut the energy use by as much as 10% and last longer than the LED bulbs. Though there is no official word on the pricing of the bulb, the graphene bulbs will be cheaper than the rival LED bulbs. The bulbs are expected to be available in the retail markets by the end of the year. Over 35 companies around the world have partnered with the University Of Manchester to develop graphene based projects.

    Do let us know your thoughts on graphene bulbs.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberMar 30, 2015

    On the lighter side (pun notwithstanding) I am sure that in India there will be a graphene based 'fair and lovely' that will literally light up the face.

    As a materials scientist I am thrilled by this wonder material that can be many things to many people.
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  • Void Runner

    MemberApr 7, 2015

    On the lighter side (pun notwithstanding) I am sure that in India there will be a graphene based 'fair and lovely' that will literally light up the face.

    As a materials scientist I am thrilled by this wonder material that can be many things to many people.
    I thought TiO2 does the job well enough....why use graphene when something works? 😀
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberApr 7, 2015

    Void Runner
    I thought TiO2 does the job well enough....why use graphene when something works? 😀
    Bullock carts work. Why have jets?
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  • Void Runner

    MemberMay 1, 2015

    Bullock carts work. Why have jets?
    Using a jet to travel from my home to the marketplace is impractical and a needless waste of money. At this point, that is what graphene is in terms of cost for an application like cosmetics (where the company would likely want to manufacture and sell the product as cheaply as possible). If it was so good, we'd have seen the applications already en masse. It holds some promise, but I think composites are the way to go rather than any one material for the near future. There are (IMO) a lot of industries where graphene might be able to fully recover the initial costs (such as electronics), but cosmetics is purely chemical synthesis and processing and as of right now TiO2 remains the cheaper option when you count the characterization and processing machinery required (though some research is ongoing that might soon alleviate this issue!).
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  • vishnu tej

    MemberMay 29, 2015

    Graphene is the name given to a novel substance composed of a single layer of carbon atoms, extracted from graphite, with astonishing properties: the stuff is stronger than diamond, more conductive than copper and more flexible than rubber.
    While some products today already include graphene. For example, tennis rackets where the super-strong, super-light material can be used for the racket’s shaft.
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  • Dave Marshall

    MemberFeb 25, 2019

    interesting topic about graphene

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  • Geff Rush

    MemberFeb 25, 2019

    Nanomaterials like graphene are popular nowadays.

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