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  • Whats In Name

    MemberMay 1, 2011

    I hope this wiki link will help you:

    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">List Of Programming Languages By Category</a>
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  • lovejeet

    MemberMay 1, 2011

    any easier link?????? lol
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  • Whats In Name

    MemberMay 1, 2011

    If you want classification for certain languages,then you can tell me the languages.
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  • lovejeet

    MemberMay 1, 2011

    ok, then all the general languages such as c, c++, java, python, html, .net, asp, php, cobol, basic etc.... and the major differences between them.........
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  • Whats In Name

    MemberMay 4, 2011

    Major Differences between C and C++:
    -C is a procedural programming language,c++ is an object oriented programming
    -C uses the top-down approach while C++ uses the bottom-up approach.
    -C is function-driven while C++ is object-driven.
    -C++ supports function overloading while C does not.
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  • lovejeet

    MemberMay 4, 2011

    please explain the 2nd point- c uses the top-down approach while c++ uses the bottom- up approach....
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  • anirow

    MemberMay 4, 2011

    Broadest difference that I could find was,

    html is a formatting language not a programming language, php, asp are the server side scripting language or back end languages and rest are the normal programming languages.
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  • Whats In Name

    MemberMay 4, 2011

    please explain the 2nd point- c uses the top-down approach while c++ uses the bottom- up approach....
    C++ follows OOP technique,i.e.,we first design base elements(classes and other small components) and then they are linked together for the final code.

    C follows procedural programming technique,i.e.,the code is formulated step by step,each step is processed into detail,we make main function,then design inner modules and then divide them into smaller modules and so on.
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  • lovejeet

    MemberMay 5, 2011

    thanks for the nice reply................. and what about the other languages such as asp, .net, php.........
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberMay 5, 2011

    - ASP is not OO but ASP.NET uses OOPS.
    - ASP (JScript & VBScript) and ASP.NET (VB.NET & C#.NET).
    - ASP needs no reqs. ASP.NET reqs .NET framework.

    ASP (both) & PHP
    - PHP is Open Source. ASP.NET is Closed Source and commercial.
    - PHP runs on any server (Apache, IIS) and any OS (Windows, Mac, Linux) but ASP runs only on Windows IIS. Ports may be there.
    - PHP is light weight and doesn't use much system resources, ASP.NET is very heavy and requires a good processing capacity.
    - PHP loads faster than ASP or ASP.NET. (Speed is a crucial factor in WebSites).
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberMay 5, 2011

    Check this out for in-depth comparison about these three...
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  • anirow

    MemberMay 8, 2011

    asp i think was a procedural scripting language, which also permitted OOPS( not so sure). dot net is very strong in OOPs. php is not that strong in OOPs.
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberMay 8, 2011

    asp i think was a procedural scripting language, which also permitted OOPS( not so sure). dot net is very strong in OOPs. php is not that strong in OOPs.
    ASP doesn't have OOPS Support! 😔
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  • anirow

    MemberMay 9, 2011

    thanks praveenscience for confirming what i doubted.
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberMay 9, 2011

    thanks praveenscience for confirming what i doubted.
    But PHP is good in OOPs... 😀
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  • anirow

    MemberMay 12, 2011

    Yeah php is better in OOPs as compared to ASP but i think it is far behind and Java, don't you think so?
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberMay 12, 2011

    Dude, ASP.NET is a creation for OOPs only. And Java, the father of OOPs... How can you compare them with PHP? PHP is still a kid or intermediate in OOPs...
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  • anirow

    MemberMay 12, 2011

    Intermediate is the right word as far OOPs in PHP is concerned. I was not being iconoclast when i compared it with JAVA,I was just responding to your assertion that php is good in OOPS. And JAVA is not 'father' or 'mother' of OOPs. Though it would be correct to call it one of the complete OOPs programming language
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberMay 12, 2011

    Intermediate is the right word as far OOPs in PHP is concerned. I was not being iconoclast when i compared it with JAVA,I was just responding to your assertion that php is good in OOPS. And JAVA is not 'father' or 'mother' of OOPs. Though it would be correct to call it one of the complete OOPs programming language
    Rightly said. But first of all, PHP is not an OOPs language, yet it supports it. The main use is for simple server side scripting...
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