Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
A GPS map digitization program
Ac and Dc motor control system
Accident alertness in vehicles
Accident identification system
Accident identification with auto dialer
Adaptive differential pulse code modulation a (APCM)
Adaptive lighting system for automobiles
Addressable remote transmitter through a communication
Advance encryption standard using micro control
Advancer fm power line intercom
Advertising display using LED & LCD
Agricultural Plant watering systems
Air & fuel ratio control system for fumace
Air leakage detection based on pressure sensor
Air pollution monitor
Air velocity monitor
Air fuel ration control system for fumace
Altimeter & barometer
An I2C Network protocol for environmental monitoring
Analysis of slip power recovery scheme
Anesthesia control system for medical application
Anthena circuit design for RF ID Applications
Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Smart card based application
Smart card security system using i2c devices
Smart card with i2c EPROM
Smart networking
Smoke detector
Sms alerting system using mobile phone for bank
security system
Sms based on - off control
Sms controlled home appliances
Sms controlled load
Sms through lad line
Soft starter with over load tripping
Soil moisture controller
Solar panel tracking system
Solar tracking and data logger
Solar tacking system
Sound level meter
Space spectrum modulation
Speech security
Speed control for dc shunt motor
Speed control of motor through Sms
Speed control system for three phase induction
Static war compensation
Stepper motor controlled by remote control
Stepper motor control
Stepper motor speed controlled through telephone
Street light on/off controller
Student mark announcement through telephone
Student result announcement system through
telephone line
Sugar bag counter
Surface level monitor instrument
Synchronization of EB power supply & generator
Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Tele monitoring patient through internet
Telephone account recorder
Telephone answering machine
Telephone call meter
Telephone call meter witty call over alarm
Telephone controlled electrical appliances
Telephone interface security system
Telephone line monitor
Telephone operated machine
Telephone operated motor control
Telephone operated remote robot
Telephone operated temperature control system
with remote control
Telephone switching
Temperature & speed control system
Temperature control with mains transmission
Temperature controller using PIC
Temperature data logger
Temperature monitor and control
Temperature monitoring and recording device
Temperature monitoring using watch dog timer
Tension control system
Theft alarm
Thermometer monitor & announciator
Three phase induction motor recording device
Three phase motor control using remote/tale
Thumb recognition system
Tilt measurement using micro control
Token display for bank with speech
Token number system display
Traffic light priority control for emergency vehicles
Traffic controls system
Traffic priority for ambulance
Transformer protection system
Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Transistor leads identifier cum tester
Transmission sensor for remote car starter
True rms voltage & current measurement with lcd
Tsr based multi channel motor speed monitor
Tyre Pressure monitoring system
Ultrasonic alarm for visually Impaired
Ultrasonic distance meter
Ultrasonic level monitor
Ultrasonic vibration detector
Universal flash micro controller programmer
Universal function generator
Universal timer
UPS monitoring system
UPS security Key
V/F Control for motor
Vacuum cleaner
Vector control of ac induction motor
Vehicle location system
Vehicle speed storage system
Vehicle speed, temperature, total distance
and fair monitoring system
Vehicle tracking system
Vehicle speed indicator
Vibration sensing system
Video signal transmitter
Voice changer
Voice Coding and Decoding
Voice dialer for phone
Voice operated home appliance control system
Voice operated motor controller
Voice operated motor controller and speed
Voice operated robot
Voice operated temperature controller
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Apartment multi channel fuse blown indicator & annunciation
Apartment security system
Artificial intelligent embedded line tracking follower robot
ATM card
Attendance recorder
Auto path finder robotic car
Auto stop motion and annunciate for knitting mills
Automated pump tester
Automatic traffic light system
Automatic bottle filing system
Automatic busfair system
Automatic car parking controller using RF
Automatic coil winding machine and controller
Automatic digital time switch
Automatic dim dipper programmable ON/OFF Timer controller
Automatic dim Dipper system
Automatic Door opening system
Automatic drainage system for industrial pipe lines
Automatic drilling system
Automatic dyeing machine
Automatic Electric billing system
Automatic fence controller
Automatic frequency counter
Automatic guided vehicle
Automatic humidity control for refrigerator
Automatic industrial operator
Automatic industrial drilling machine
Automatic irrigation system with wireless transmission
Automatic jogging, breaking, plugging for motors
Automatic lamination machine
Automatic load controller
Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Voice recording system
Voltage-current, speed monitor through power line
Voltage monitor and control
Wall thickness measuring system for pipes &
Water level controller
Weather monitoring
Weather reporter
Weighing balance
Weighing balance system
Weighing machine system
Weight & height measurement with printer facility
White cane with ultrasonic sensor for distance
White card reader detector
wind mill control system
Wireless communication from PC to UC
Wireless communication from PC to PC
Wire position sensor encoder and distance
Wireless dish antenna tracking system
Wireless door control system
Wireless energy transmitter
Wireless home automation using PIC
Wireless home security system
Wireless keypad
Wireless lift controller
Wireless modem
Wireless motor speed controller using FM
Wireless printer by using Laser beams
Wireless security system with two transmitters
Wireless smart card
Wireless voting machine
Wireless water level controller
Yam lee strength measurement
Yam thickness measurement system
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Automatic packing machine
Automatic panel system
Automatic panels for 3 phase motors
Automatic pattern cutting m/c in garments
Automatic phase changer
Automatic phase changer with line voltage measurement
Automatic phase selector
Automatic pumping system for vehicles
Automatic railway gate controller system
Automatic room control system
Automatic shutter control system with intelligent
security system
Automatic solar tracking system
Automatic stator voltage control
Automatic street light on-off controller
Automatic ticketing machine
Automatic traffic light controller
Automatic washbasin
Automatic weighing bridge
Automatic wheel alignment robot
Automation system using smartcard by
implementing industry i2c bus
Automobile performance analyzer
Automobile tracking system
AVR for alternators
Bank card design
Bank locker security system with SMS mobile alert
Battery monitoring system
Blood dripping system
Body temperature scanning system
Boiler controller
Building automation system
Calendar day date time month year
Calibration of proximity sensor
Caller -id
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
hai , iam interested in doing projects based on water level controller.can u help me out?moreover i was interested in doing projects based on microprocessors.but i didnt get an apt one.thats ok.if u can help me its really useful.😕
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
List Continues...
Can interface printing system
Can boot loader for can microcontrollers
Cano meter
Capacitance meter
Car security system
Cell phone based motor speed controller
Centralized wireless monitoring in textile
Change maker
Closed loop control for servo stabilizer
Closed loop motor speed controller using cellular
Closed loop telephone operated motor control
Cloth cutting machine
Code lock for electrical devices
Coffee maker
Coil winding machine
College process automation with security system
using PIC & finger print sensor
Color detection using image processing
Color dyeing machine automation
Complete boiler guard
Computer controlled vehicle
Computerized hall ticket implementation
Smartcard via serial library
Controlling analog parameters
Conveyer controller
Conveyer sequential timer controller
Crack detection system
Credit card reader
Current loop modem communication from MC to
Current mode communication from MC to PC
Current mode communication between controllers
Current monitor and control
Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Data logger based on Rs-232 serial
Data logger with graphics display
DC motor control using H-bridge
DC motor speed controlled using remote
DC ibus RS-484 home network with maximum of
64 terminals
Decoding infrared remote control
Depth measurement based on LVDT
Desktop security system
Detection of illegal of wireless transmission
Detection of failed distribution transformer
Digital anemometer
Clock based on real time clock (RTC) IC
Code locking system
Countdown timer
Data sensor error accusation system
Data sensor error accusation and RF-433 MHz
wireless Data logging
Frequency meter
Digital IC tester
Digital odometer
Digital panel system
Digital storage tachometer
Taxi meter
Visitor counter
Weight analyzer for weight Bridge
Wind anemometer
Direct torque measurement
Dish antenna rotating
Dish antenna positioning system using telephone
Dish Positioned with frequency tracking
Dish positioned using wiper motor
Distributed control system
Distributed input for microcontroller
Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Distributed output system
Door security system
Drainage control system for process plant
Drill speed controller
DTMF generation using microcontroller
DTMF implementation of GSM mobile phone to
control electrical appliances
DTMF tone generator
DTMF implementation of mobile phone to control
security appliance
EB SIM card
ECG data acquisition through IR
Electrical power generation using foot step
Electricity theft identification
Electronic conductor
Electronic circuit breaker
Electronic gardener
Electronic voting machine
Embedded car dash board
Embedded intelligent security system
Embedded lift controller
Embedded microcontroller based boiler
temperature controller
Employee identification & security system and
Finger print sensor
Energy billing through main line
Energy meter (Digital)
Energy meter with prepaid card
Energy saver by using pressure controller
EPABX system
EPROM programmer
Fan speed controller based on temperature
Father touch variable power supply
Fax guard and multi event controller
Finger print recognition
Fir programmable timer for dying factory
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Fire alarm system (6 channels)
Fire monitors using micro controller
Flow control system
Frequency monitor and controller with single
Phase preventer
Frequency monitor and control
Fuel gas detection robot in remote
Function generator with annunciate
Fuzzy logic based flow control
Fuzzy logic based heat exchanger with simulation
Generator auto OFF system with Oil change
Glass cutting machine
GPS Based automobile performance analyzer
GPS based train/bus/Aircraft collision avoidance
GPS based vehicle- tricking system
GPS based velocity and speed monitor
GPS Positioning system using 5 transmitters
Home automation system
GPS based failure identification system for
Intelligent vehicles
GPS based real time identification of tire road
Hack saw controller
Hardware lock
Heart beat monitor
High intelligent voting machine
High precision digital timer
High speed digital interruption counter
Home alarm system
Home appliance control through telephone
Home automation system
IR car detector for changing lanes
HV & LV drip through motor controller
I2c based High security data transmition
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
I2c based running message system
I2c based security code lock
I2c based sequential logic system
I2c based temperature recording system
I2c based weather station recorder
I2c based wind speed recorder
I2c EPROM programmers
I2c master - slave protocol implementation
IC tester
IC engine monitoring system
Implementation of I2c bus
Implementation of controller area network (CAN)
using Can controller
Implementation of I2c communication
Implementation of rs-232 protocol to communicate
mc & pc
Implementation boot loader firmware of ROM
Fewer microcontrollers
implementing debit cards
Implementating fir-IIR filter using microcontroller
Incubator maintenance system
Incubator Monitor & controller system
Induction motor speed monitoring & control using
PWM technique
Industrial boiler/fumace controller
industrial controllers
Industrial boiler/fumace controller
Industrial environmental monitoring system
Industrial fire alarm & message announcing
industrial high temperature monitor & fumaces
Industrial programmable timer
Industrial safety monitors system
Infrared USART for microcontroller
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Input water sensing and overhead tank filling
Intelligent automotive ignition system
Intelligent conveyor flow monitor & controller
Intelligent conveyor flow monitor & controller with
robotic arms
Intelligent dish antenna positioning system
Intelligent electronic voting machine
Intelligent fire monitors & extinguish robot
Intelligent traffic light controller
Interfacing thermal sensor in microcontroller
Interrupt counters cum burglar alarm
IR adaptor for I2c bus
IR data analyzer
IR light dimmer
Irregular surface area measuring instrument
Irrigation control system
Irrigation control system with power line
communication system
Lab automation with real time clock interface
Laser security system with wireless transmission
Level sensor with 4-20mA O/P
Lift control system
lift control system with position indication
Light brightness control depends upon sunlight
Liquid level monitor
Load management using parallel operation of
Locker security system
Long distance communication for I2c EPROM
Long distance communication using IR
MUX meter
Machine control & fault recognition through
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Mark announcement system using telephone
Maximum demand control
Message transfer system through telephone
Meter making system with Pc interface
Micro controller trainer kit
Micro file
Micro machined Accelero meter
Microchip development kit
Microchip TCP/IP stack
Micro computer based programmable individual
Phase current limiter for 3-phase electrical system
Microcontroller based digital auto mobile
Microcontroller based wireless data acquisition
Using USART and RS-232 Protocol
Microcontroller Communication through USART
Microcontroller controlled demand power meter
Microprocessor trainer system
Mileage meter
Mind switch
Mini data logger
Mini exchange with main intercom
Mini robot car
Mobile alarm system based on GSM & GPS
Mobile assets tracking device
Modern digital clock
Modern lift system
Modular IR remote control for industrial
Monitoring system for UPS
Motion recorder & playback
Motor direction sensing, speed measurement
Motor monitoring system
Motor monitoring system (V, I, F, TEMP, PF)
Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Motor overheat presenter
Motor position control for air flow flaps
Motor speed control through power line
Motor speed control using IR sensor
motor Sped monitor & controller interface
Motor speed reverse, jogging, braking & plugging
Moving message 16 character display
Moving message display
Multi channel call bell
Multi channel electrical appliances control system
Multi channel fire alarm
Multi channel programmable timer
Multi frequency (32Mhz-1Hz) generator
Multi function frequency counters
Multi voltage power supply
Multi-channel temperature monitor & controller
Multipurpose digital counter
Multi variable controller
Multi variable parameter interfacing with can bus
Multi-zone temperature monitoring
Networking based on IR
Noise & vibration system
Non-Gps outdoor tracking system
Object counter
Object detection using ultrasonic waves
Office automation system
Oil-tank level indicator
On-line measurement of spinning frame
On-line vehicle tracking using GPS& GSM
On-line weighing balance
On-load tap-change for power transformer
Optical pyrometer
Organization security system
Over Speed preventer for vehicles
Paint spraying robot
Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Paper counting system
Patient treatment monitoring system
Stepper motor controller
RF-434MHz wireless robot
Printer communication through power line
PC to mobile m2 bus communication
PC to PC communication through LASER/IR
Person roaming detector
Personal ecology widget
Personal safety and tracking through GPS
Petrol cards
PH measurement and control system
Pigment adding system using image processing
Plate cutting machine
PLC based motor protection system
Portable recording system for monitoring vehicle
Position control system
Power booster for IC engine
Power factor monitor and control
Power monitoring system for motors
Power room monitor with data logger
Precise yam thickness measurement
Precision temperature sensing using RTD
Pre-paid cable card system
Pre-paid card for call taxi
pre-paid card for telephone
Pressure controller and monitor
Pressure transmitter
Pressure measurement and monitoring system
Priority for emergency vehicles in traffic signals
Private pager networks
Production counter
Production event monitor and controller
Programmable automatic street light controller
Programmable college timer
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
well godfather to read this list only takes time and to think 😀 . thats helful godfather
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
helpful godfather
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
well godfather to read this list only takes time and to think 😀 . thats helful godfather
You are Welcome Bablooo 😁
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
hai , iam interested in doing projects based on water level controller.can u help me out?moreover i was interested in doing projects based on microprocessors.but i didnt get an apt one.thats ok.if u can help me its really useful.😕
Ok So lets start This project Start to find some useful data for that and write on CE where you Stuck we CEans are here to help you out. 😎
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Thank you very much Biggie for Making this Sticky.
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Member •
Jan 27, 2009
Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Do u hav any idea regarding SOA(Service Oriented Architecture). I'm interested in doing a proj based on that. It ll be helpful for me if i can get any details based on SOA.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hi godfather nice projects and thanx for them,i have a project and i wana ask u to help me ir you can(im communication & electronics engineering,i wana make a device that can take all the informations from another device(like pic's,videos,pdf's......etc)lets say that its like blackhole,without the owners notce or know,so i wana anyone to help me in my graduation project,anyth can help.(my mail <link removed>)
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
@Conjurer: You have already asked this question in another thread. Repeating the question won't speed things up.
And all discussions should be done here on the forum so that everyone may benefit.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
i want to know tht do you hve any project idea related to Retina Scanning or tracking system
i really need to know about it for my final year project
plzzzzzzzz help me out
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Retina scanning not much about it but there are some project related to retina is look like. Eyerish recognization using MATLAB. In this they process on the retina pics and compare them.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
retina scanning not much about it but there are some project related to retina is look like. Eyerish recognization using matlab. In this they process on the retina pics and compare them.
yeah sure can u help me eyerish recognization i really don't know how to start it
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Cool GF. Do you have all the info regarding these projects with you ?😎😎
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
I have some Data
but i am ready to help the people if they want
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
oh! ok..
then i will ask people to refer this thread for new projects wanted people.😉😉
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Thanks Sandy for this.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hey godfather!!! you have a really nice collection of topics but i am in a dilemma right now!! i can't find a seminar topic that out profession fancies his whim on, i have tried different topics but he has rejected every one of them!! so can you please suggest me a new topic in the field of electronics and technology??? i'm really desperate for an answer!!
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
What you need exactly?
Seminar Topic or Project Topic?
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
i need to know abt the dish positioning using telephone project .
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
i had haired ab out the dish positioning using Remote system.!!
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
i need to know abt the dish positioning using telephone project .
have you any basic idea of it??
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Member •
Mar 20, 2009
Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
really electronics is not enough all we need is communication
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
really electronics is not enough all we need is communication
Thanks braj for your complement
welcome to CE 😁
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
😎 Hi! God-father
plz post som seminar topics also
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
😎 Hi! God-father
plz post som seminar topics also
Already Started...
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Member •
Mar 26, 2009
Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
i have a Question,is there any project that suitable for diploma mechatronic course final year,cause i'm still no familiar with some project concept/theory.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
As you are in mechatronics you can select line follower robot or any other relating to Robotics.
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Member •
Mar 27, 2009
Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
erm...,line follower robot.if i not mistaken my junior highschool already made one.can you suggest where can i got info for robotics mini project.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
you can make Robot which is operated using Mobile phone.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
is it really possible.
i mean to our standards as we are in B.tech 2nd year is it possible to finish that project
if yes.
I'm ready for that and what we really require for that and keep in mind that i'l not leave in the midst and i wanna complete in any circumstances
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Here i am going to Post Some List Of Project May be It Helpful to You.
If you have any query then feel free to Post a Topic here i will try my best to help you out.
Here is The Whole List In Word File....
16_Channel water level controller
3phase monitor
4 digital object counter
4” 2 printer sharers
8-Channel water level controller
8 digit pulse counter
8 channel IR remote control
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Francis ,
I didn't get what you want to convey with your post and its your first post in CE
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
h i Godfather
do u have Project Ideas about wimax
and if u have any WiMAX Module for (ns-2) Simulator or for (Matlab)
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
we wana make a project on 8-channel infrared remote control....can u take me a step ahead and help me peep into some information about it
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Member •
Mar 30, 2009
Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
you can make Robot which is operated using Mobile phone.
erm...,not bad.thank😁
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
is it really possible.
i mean to our standards as we are in B.tech 2nd year is it possible to finish that project
if yes.
I'm ready for that and what we really require for that and keep in mind that i'l not leave in the midst and i wanna complete in any circumstances
Dear Raviteja,
"Robot using Mobile phone"
In this project you can make a Robot which follows the instruction provided by your mobile... as per your Mobile SMS robot will follow the path or Turn it self you can also make it in reverse manner means your robot can send the data which it takes at some interval... and via GSM modem send to your mobile.. as you are in second year no problem but i think this GSM modem is somewhat costly i will try to find out its equivalent if there is anything then i will give you that.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
we wana make a project on 8-channel infrared remote control....can u take me a step ahead and help me peep into some information about it
Buddy i had suggest you the Name please try to search something on this.. if you start from somewhere then i will help you.
Please try to start something..
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
erm...,not bad.thank😁
Welcome Ayie
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
we wana make a project on 8-channel infrared remote control....can u take me a step ahead and help me peep into some information about it
Here is the Schametic please Study it.. after that post your Doubts here.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
am thinking to do Final year Project on some Simulator ..
on some Error correction or some other techniques..
please... Suggest me some topics relating to Simulators..
my email is
am in Hurry..
Regards: Sajid Hussain
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Dear Sajid i had already posted a huge list here please find one form there and i will update this section also.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Yes...i Appreciate your Work its really Heavenly thing you've done..
but i want to know some topics regarding error correction and tolerance techniques which i can do on some Simulators..
if you can help me this way i'll be really thankful to you...
thanks neway!
Sajid Abbasi
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
will try to find some on this topic also
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
thanks GF..
I'll be waiting for your response ...
stay safe....
Sajid Hussain
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
can you tell about anasthesia control system in medical application
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
can you please provide some more detail please
like Specification..... based on which system?
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
i thought of doing a mini project can you pls help over that😕 i am pretty confused and having my campus nearing so pls help me out
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Member •
Apr 17, 2009
Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Heyyy.... Can u PLs help me out in my projects,which I have Not yet decided....Actually I m in 4th semester in ece n wanna make a project .....Can u pls tell me which project is best for me according to my level.....Please....!!!!
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Heyyy.... Can u PLs help me out in my projects,which I have Not yet decided....Actually I m in 4th semester in ece n wanna make a project .....Can u pls tell me which project is best for me according to my level.....Please....!!!!
Hi Friend,
CEan Godfather has already listed so many projects. Do go through them. Search the forums for the kind of project you're looking for. If you do not find what you want, start a new discussion topic in this section clearly indicating your requirements, skill set, experience et al.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Hi Friend,
CEan Godfather has already listed so many projects. Do go through them. Search the forums for the kind of project you're looking for. If you do not find what you want, start a new discussion topic in this section clearly indicating your requirements, skill set, experience et al.
Thanks biggie for Replying..
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
hai ,
i am the student of telecommunication 6th semester. i am interested in doing projects based on GSM.can u help me out? In GSM, there are many fields i didnt get an apt one.thats ok.if u can help me its really useful.😕
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
hai ,
i am the student of telecommunication 6th semester. i am interested in doing projects based on GSM.can u help me out? In GSM, there are many fields i didnt get an apt one.thats ok.if u can help me its really useful.😕
thanks for this kindness
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Well Sohail.. if you are really intrested and want to do Project Based on GSM then there is one good Student Project... Named "GSM base Lock On/Off" in this project you can control your lock by GSM....
What you think about this?
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
hai ,
i am the student of telecommunication 6th semester. i am interested in doing projects based on GSM.can u help me out? In GSM, there are many fields i didnt get an apt one.thats ok.if u can help me its really useful.😕
thanks for this kindness
This is based on 8051 controller so i think you are aware of this field...
Reply back if you are really intrested...
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
i m realy interested please send this project data.
thanks for this help
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
buddy you need Spoon feed data!!?
Why not you select one project first off all try to get its data and after that you have any problem then post it here we will try to solve your problem
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hello sir these all are old ideas think about new ..........
for example, virtual designing ,virtual sleeping ,
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
yes you can make that also.. like Dreaming Machine !! 😁
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
any idea about robotics
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
robotics!! Is there any Specific Field?
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Thankyou, good list of projects Godfather. I have selected some projects of my interst, trying to get data related to that topics. Can you help me out.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Can you please post that Project list here your selected ones..i will try to get the definations of that all projects
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hi i am interested in AVR for alternators... what a project...
how its work??
Can U email me the specific project?? thanx a lot..
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
i am dilip,a 4th year student.I was assigned to do a miniproject on i2c security,i need the detailed information & book on this project send it to my email:<removed> .Please send it sir,i was in a dire need.
Thanking you,
yours sincerely
Simhadri Dilip Reddy
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
i am dilip,a 4th year student.I was assigned to do a miniproject on i2c security,i need the detailed information & book on this project send it to my email:dilipsimhadri143@gmail.com.Please send it sir,i was in a dire need.
Thanking you,
yours sincerely
Simhadri Dilip Reddy
Do not Post Your Email Here!!!
Well I2C is a Wide topic... Try it on GOoOgle you will find so many ebooks and Pdf for that. that might be helpful to you
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
topic added on digg.com 😉
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
m 1st yr stdnt f electronics n comm engg...i wnt some project...........i dun want d names f project only..i wnt whole report on it...plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me!!!!!!!!!
its vry urgent
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Welcome to CE Jais 😀
First of all introduce yourself in the format given here #-Link-Snipped-#
and Also To use of SMS languages is not allowed on CE please refrain your post. Visit this link for more information #-Link-Snipped-#
and you want project report and everything but we are not providing spoon feed.
You can do one thing select the project that you want to do... try to get the data about that project and as you are in first year choose a simple and small one project and i am sure if you have any query or you stuck with your project then we are always here to guide you but do not ask for the ready material. 😁
I suggest you that you go with a simple project which have simple circuit and easy to implement like Counter and Timer using Chip 555.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hey i am a second year electrical student can u help me with some mini project ideas
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hey i am a second year electrical & electronic student can u help me with some mini project titles
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hi godfather,
can u give me a over view abt ur "Bank locker security system with SMS mobile alert" project.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
can u give me a overview abt ur "Bank locker security system with sms alert" project.Plz help me
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hi godfather,
can u give me a over view abt ur "Bank locker security system with SMS mobile alert" project.
Welcome to CE Selvanathan.
Well we are not providing readymade project right now but i am sure we will guide you in your project whenever you have any problem you can write it here we will try our best to help you out..
Here is the idea that what can we do in this project.
In the project "
Bank locker security system with SMS mobile alert" we arrange such a system in which we have to put Infrared sensor and it will be activated or deactivated by using mobile phone SMS. and That Infrared section is connected with GSM modem and GSm modem have all the command to control that infrared section... if you want to open the lock then you have to send the SMS to GSM modem it will deactivate the infrared then you open your locker but if anyone open the locker without sending SMS to GSM modem infrared signal will cut and it will give the status to GSM modem and GSM modem sends the SMS to predefined number also we can put a Alarm which Rings 😁
Although there is some drawbacks we can improve in that also 😉
So hows the Idea?
Looking forward to see you on CE active.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
thanks for ur idea .with this i can initiate my work.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
thanks for ur idea .with this i can initiate my work.
And do not forgot to show your progress here that will be helpful to many Ceans and hop you will be an active member here.
Best Luck 😁
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
This is the 100th Reply in this Thread.
Let me know how many of you guys really find this helpful to obtaining the title for your Projects?
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Here i am going to Post Some List Of Project May be It Helpful to You.
If you have any query then feel free to Post a Topic here i will try my best to help you out.
Here is The Whole List In Word File....
16_Channel water level controller
3phase monitor
4 digital object counter
4” 2 printer sharers
8-Channel water level controller
8 digit pulse counter
8 channel IR remote control
hai can you send the information about the projects that have you described above
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hai can you send the information about the projects that have you described above
Welcome to CE
please introduce yourself visit this for reference
They are not Readymade Projects.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hi am boopathy 4m chennai... hwr yo guyz!! can u ppl help me by postng the details of the projects???
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hi am boopathy 4m chennai... hwr yo guyz!! can u ppl help me by postng the details of the projects???
Welcome to CE
please introduce yourself visit this for reference
Well the Detail of the all projects are not available these all are just the Title of the project so you can get the idea that what actually you want to do.. this is for your Hint... even you can modify the project if you have an innovative idea to do something new.
Looking forward to see you Active here..
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
please send me some mini projects based electronics and communication through word file .please help me my friend
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
nice work !
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Welcome to crazy engineers.
Thanks for the comments.
Looking forward to see you active here.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Welcome to crazy engineers.
Thanks for the comments.
Looking forward to see you active here.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hi i am intrested in want to do a mini project something related to electronics and instrumentation can u give me sum of ur ideas on wat to do and if u hav some synopsis of already done mini projects plz send me to my e mail id "bipin_kum@hotmail.com"
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
There is no any ready project available but if you want to do them start collecting data of project and first of all be clear that in which field you want to do work.
Please remove email from the post.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hi CEans
can anyone tell me where i can get a circuit for mobile detector i.e. to detect the presence of mobiles and also circuit for automatic three phase convertor
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
can u plz....... send me some details regarding th projects.......
to my mail
Admin Note: No SMS text on CE, Please.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Hi i am interested in doing project regarding a device that can control any other electronic device..........my concept is just like e bomb a device when it is operated all electronic device near it gets deactivated and when we switch that device off all the devices returns back to its operational mode(i.e. gets activated again) like a jamming anti jamming device.....if any one got any idea regarding this concept please help me...........its really useful
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Member •
Jul 28, 2009
Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
i need a simple final project for telecommunication...
anyone can help me???????????????
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
can you please give some ideas in doing project..
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Guys, have you checked the first post in this thread? Did you get any ideas there?
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Hello sir,
I am Dilip a final year B.TECH ECE student.I am interested in getting the "Advertising display using LED & LCD" project documentation & the circuit/block diagram.please send them to my email.I will be very thankful if you send them.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely
Simhadri M Dilip Reddy
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Buddy this is not for ready circuit diagram or project. But this is the thread for the ideas you can get some demo circuits from internet do the required modification and done. Have a great time ahead here. And looking forward to see you active here.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Hello sir,
I am Dilip a final year B.TECH ECE student.I am interested in getting the "Advertising display using LED & LCD" project documentation & the circuit/block diagram.please send them to my email.I will be very thankful if you send them.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely
Simhadri M Dilip Reddy
HomeWorks are not allowed here...
If else You will also ask for the Board top send to your Home 😀😀😀😁
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hi!i am interested to do a different project in electronics that is very useful in now a days would u help me
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hi!i am interested to do a different project in electronics that is very useful in now a days would u help me
Welcome to the board buddy. Sounds good that you are interested in doing project there are so many project ideas here on forum please select one And let's start working. You might be interested in CE bot project also have a look in CE lab section.
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Member •
Aug 5, 2009
Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
thanks, the post was really useful
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
thanks, the post was really useful
Welcome to CE buddy.
Looking forward to see you active here.
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Member •
Aug 11, 2009
Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hi..very nice list of projects.
i was intrested in making a project on epabx but all the info i have is how to make one virtually..
is it very difficult to implement a lets say 2-3 line sytem physically?
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Automatic traffic light controller
ATM card
Apartment security system
Artificial intelligent embedded line tracking follower robot
hello god father jiii actually can u help me by sending me da material of da above topicss......coz im pretty interested in dem ....hope u will send sum material stuff n all thank u.....
<email removed> all discussions need to remain on the forum for the benefit for all. gohm
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Fine topics and hard to get more.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hiii am 3rd yr ECE std just help me and if u can guide me wat can i read(don hav any idea in wat area since just entered my core sub line) 2 do project
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Dude you are in third year take any topic which you think that its easy and informative for me.. for furthur help keep visiting CE!
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
I want a mini project title,procedures with explanation
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Hi godfather
please give procedure about any one electronics project
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
The list of projects is really very helpful but how do v knw d details of any project, i mean d basic principle of working n all??
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
shivika gupta
The list of projects is really very helpful but how do v knw d details of any project, i mean d basic principle of working n all??
Strict NO to SMS text on CE Forums. Please follow the protocol.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
plz can you give some idea about projects on mechatronics.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
CEans, please refrain from using SMS text on CE Forums
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
shivika gupta
The list of projects is really very helpful but how do v knw d details of any project, i mean d basic principle of working n all??
if you really want to do project then first of all please select one project. Then start to get some information on it.
If you got stuck anywhere, post a topic here we'll try our best to help you out.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
please will you forward the synopis and the details or report on
Fire monitors using micro controller
GPS based train/bus/Aircraft collision avoidance
Heart beat monitor
fire fighting robot
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
also on
fan speed control based on temperature
patient monitoring
pulse and respiratory monitoring
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
please will you forward the synopis and the details or report on
Fire monitors using micro controller
GPS based train/bus/Aircraft collision avoidance
Heart beat monitor
fire fighting robot
buddy this is not the list of ready projects. You have to find the details of the project. And also decide on which technology you want to take as your project.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
hai ,
i am the student of telecommunication 6th semester. i am interested in doing projects based on GSM.can u help me out? In GSM, there are many fields i didnt get an apt one.thats ok.if u can help me its really useful.😕
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Smell Smoke
Instead of collecting email IDs, how about uploading the presentation to a file hosting service (rapidshare) and providing a download link?
Please do not use all caps in your posts.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hi i am a final year ece student i like to do a project in the field of industrial automation using microcontroller can u help me
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
can i have details on any of the following projects:
GPS Based automobile performance analyzer
GPS based train/bus/Aircraft collision avoidance
GPS based vehicle- tricking system
GPS based velocity and speed monitor
GPS Positioning system using 5 transmitters
Home automation system
GPS based failure identification system for
Intelligent vehicles
GPS based real time identification of tire road
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Member •
Sep 13, 2009
Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hi.. godfather...
1st of all... really you are godfather of projects yaar...........!!!
simply superb.....
i read your list of all the projects of 1st page of which i liked the following few ideas...
Automatic street light on-off controller
Adaptive lighting system for automobiles
Automatic load controller
Automatic railway gate controller system
can you help me further on these topics by providing your valuable suggestions including plot , ckt diagram n which of the above vl be most suitable n under budget..... u can also hellp me out on it...
plz reply me ...
eagerly waiting for ur reply.......
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hi godfather, Do you have projects ideas for electronics and instrumentation engineering.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
you may find some interesting topics here:
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
List Updated.
hello!as u have listed the topics,it has been very useful. can i get the information how to select a particular topic for the presentation,like what are the tips to be maintain while selecting a particular topic?
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
hello!as u have listed the topics,it has been very useful. can i get the information how to select a particular topic for the presentation,like what are the tips to be maintain while selecting a particular topic?
Something that you are interested in and feel comfortable with.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Instead of collecting email IDs, how about uploading the presentation to a file hosting service (rapidshare) and providing a download link?
Please do not use all caps in your posts.
Sorry that i used all caps, am uploading the powerpoint presentation,hope its useful for all.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
can i have details on any of the following projects:
GPS Based automobile performance analyzer
GPS based train/bus/Aircraft collision avoidance
GPS based vehicle- tricking system
GPS based velocity and speed monitor
GPS Positioning system using 5 transmitters
Home automation system
GPS based failure identification system for
Intelligent vehicles
GPS based real time identification of tire road
Rather than collecting information on all these topics why not you select one topic first.. believe it will help you to be clear what you want to do.
hi.. godfather...
1st of all... really you are godfather of projects yaar...........!!!
simply superb.....
i read your list of all the projects of 1st page of which i liked the following few ideas...
Automatic street light on-off controller
Adaptive lighting system for automobiles
Automatic load controller
Automatic railway gate controller system
can you help me further on these topics by providing your valuable suggestions including plot , ckt diagram n which of the above vl be most suitable n under budget..... u can also hellp me out on it...
plz reply me ...
eagerly waiting for ur reply.......
First of all select any project title and start collecting data for that ya i'll help you in PCB designing if you need any help.
Smell Smoke
Sorry that i used all caps, am uploading the powerpoint presentation,hope its useful for all.
thanks for sharing presentation Smell Smoke... keep CE rocking.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
i am in final year of ece.i want to make a project on the following topics.so i wants to know about each topic.
Automatic phase changer
Automatic phase changer with line voltage measurement
Automatic phase selector
Automatic solar tracking system
Automatic ticketing machine
Automatic traffic light controller
Automobile tracking system
AVR for alternators
Bank card design
Calendar day date time month year
Caller -id
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
i'm very confused to select a project but if i'l get any idea then my problem is solved.
i'm in final year student of ece and wants to be a good engineer so for that i want to make a different project which is useful for us.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
dude first of all be clear and select one topic and start to work on it i'm sure you will go ahead only if you select topic.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
I Have literally gone through from page 16-1 starting off with 1 of course, and just making my way backwards from 16 lol. but from reading all this there is no CEan that has thought of Fingerprint technology? like, i have been thinking and busting my head over how i'm going to start this project because its my FYP..like here is my goal, i want to be able to use a fingerprint scanner to unlock the car door, and eventually once this is complete maybe start the car up. but lets just ignore the car start-up but focus more on the unlocking door part. Now, i was thinking of using a CMOS sensor for the fingerprint scanner but i'm not 100% sure if that'l be the right sensor, also i'm wishing to work in C/C++ not excellent at it, because i've mainly learned assembly but that is the basics to everything so i would like to take the sensor and create the algorithms to do this task... i was looking for some guidance in this project and how i should start about doing this...
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Now, i was thinking of using a CMOS sensor for the fingerprint scanner but i'm not 100% sure if that'l be the right sensor, also i'm wishing to work in C/C++ not excellent at it, because i've mainly learned assembly but that is the basics to everything so i would like to take the sensor and create the algorithms to do this task... i was looking for some guidance in this project and how i should start about doing this...
Lanky, please start a new thread on your biometric identification idea. That way, there will be a much better chance for you to get guidance 😀
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
I need Air & fuel ratio control system for fumace project detalis.please give me.really ,it will helpful me.
My Email < removed >
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
i am planning to make Automatic sliding doors with visitor counter( like we use in malls).
Which sensor i should use (be specific) ?
i Can't get any info on net so any help would be appreciated!
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
First of all thanks to you for providing a great list of the projects.
Now i want some help from you please tell me that "is there any amplifier exists which takes input for itself from the signal which we are giving to the amplifier to amplify it ?"
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
i am a not completely clear about your problem... a feedback amplifier simply can take its input from the output wave that the amplifier has amplified so u can make a feedback amplifier work only by giving it the initial triggerering signal..... let me know if your problem was different to what i interpreted
rule breaker
First of all thanks to you for providing a great list of the projects.
Now i want some help from you please tell me that "is there any amplifier exists which takes input for itself from the signal which we are giving to the amplifier to amplify it ?"
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
can u help me with apartment security system.. wat kinda project is it???
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
god father,thanks for your list of projects.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hi actullay i want to do project on wireless technology so, if u have any recent tech send them to #-Link-Snipped-#
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
sir i want more information about the project on gps digitization
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hai god father
can u give some topics related to wireless technology?
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
You can go with wireless good appliances control based on radio frequency communication.
DTMF based robot controlling. Or other related with bluetooth or zigbee.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Here i am going to Post Some List Of Project May be It Helpful to You.
If you have any query then feel free to Post a Topic here i will try my best to help you out.
Here is The Whole List In Word File....
16_Channel water level controller
3phase monitor
4 digital object counter
4” 2 printer sharers
8-Channel water level controller
8 digit pulse counter
8 channel IR remote control
can i have some more topics please.........😒
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
i am interested in doing projects related to accident detection and information systems can u suggest me how can i proceed with it?
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
i would like to do project on voltage monitor and control. can u give more information about it.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
hi, i'm a final year diploma student. can u help me choose a topic for project? (if possible a topic which is not micro controller based.)
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
please post the block diagram of digital panel meter for frequency measurement and some information its urgent
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Hi its nice,very helpful.i want to know more about "Air leakage detection based on pressure sensor" can u help me? please.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
hi can you post seminar list in electronics and communication branch
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
A GPS map digitization program
Ac and Dc motor control system
Accident alertness in vehicles
Accident identification system
Accident identification with auto dialer
Adaptive differential pulse code modulation a (APCM)
Adaptive lighting system for automobiles
Addressable remote transmitter through a communication
Advance encryption standard using micro control
Advancer fm power line intercom
Advertising display using LED & LCD
Agricultural Plant watering systems
Air & fuel ratio control system for fumace
Air leakage detection based on pressure sensor
Air pollution monitor
Air velocity monitor
Air fuel ration control system for fumace
Altimeter & barometer
An I2C Network protocol for environmental monitoring
Analysis of slip power recovery scheme
Anesthesia control system for medical application
Anthena circuit design for RF ID Applications
accident alert in vehicles
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
A GPS map digitization program
Ac and Dc motor control system
Accident alertness in vehicles
Accident identification system
Accident identification with auto dialer
Adaptive differential pulse code modulation a (APCM)
Adaptive lighting system for automobiles
Addressable remote transmitter through a communication
Advance encryption standard using micro control
Advancer fm power line intercom
Advertising display using LED & LCD
Agricultural Plant watering systems
Air & fuel ratio control system for fumace
Air leakage detection based on pressure sensor
Air pollution monitor
Air velocity monitor
Air fuel ration control system for fumace
Altimeter & barometer
An I2C Network protocol for environmental monitoring
Analysis of slip power recovery scheme
Anesthesia control system for medical application
Anthena circuit design for RF ID Applications
The project on the topic accident alertness in vehicles
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
i am pursuing my final year in electronics and communication, we are planning to do a project on 'measurement of altitude in aircrafts' using ultrasonic sensors for simulation.
but we were told that ultrasonic sensors work only within the range of 1m, we wanted to know if there are ultrasonic sensors in the market with better range, or if any other sensors would be better.
thank you
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Member •
Jan 12, 2010
Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
can u suggest something using uc 8051 as mini project for TE elex
plz if possible do suggest immediately with discription of it
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
i am pursuing my final year in electronics and communication, we are planning to do a project on 'measurement of altitude in aircrafts' using ultrasonic sensors for simulation.
but we were told that ultrasonic sensors work only within the range of 1m, we wanted to know if there are ultrasonic sensors in the market with better range, or if any other sensors would be better.
thank you
I think sensor are available with more than 1 m Range but it may be too costly.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
can u suggest something using uc 8051 as mini project for TE elex
plz if possible do suggest immediately with discription of it
Dude please do not use SMS text more, There are some projects in this list which you can take as your mini project..
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Member •
Jan 12, 2010
Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
I was wondering if this sticky thread can also be put under "Electronics and Electrical" for better navigaion.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
please can i get some help godfather
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
please can i get some help godfather
Yes say what help can i do for you?
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
thank you for replying godfather. will any other type of sensors help?
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
can i get the website to refer the above project in detail
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
plz suggest some project on microcontroller
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
Mani Sangeeth
can i get the website to refer the above project in detail
Buddy there is no ready project available you have to search about that this is just idea.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
plz suggest some project on microcontroller
Gaurav, from all these project mostly are based on Microcontroller.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
thank you for replying godfather. will any other type of sensors help?
Dont know about any other sensor but why dont you make your project on small scale means make it for short range. 😒
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
do you have any new project ideas for electronics& communication, send me me those datails.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
i am interesteted doing, air pollution monitor can you help me, send me details about this
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
no one sends details and stuff around here hareesh...
you can only ask for assistance or ideas but not the entire work...
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
do you have any new project ideas for electronics& communication, send me me those datails.
Welcome to CE Hareesh as said by cooltwins no ready projects available but you can select any from the list and start working with it and post your updates here we will try our best to help you whenever you have any query regarding your project.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
hey can anybody suggest me with paper presentation topics in electrical and electronics
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
can u give me some details about your project "Adaptive lighting system for automobiles"
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paper presentation
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Re: paper presentation
sumeet shah
What about it? Its a very common topic.
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Re: paper presentation
sumeet shah
do in claytronics....it is good..project is going on by some university. search in google you will get, k
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
which is the new project is going on......
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
i just have an AC signal in the range 0.5-1v.. Is it possible to amplify it by using step up transformer? if possible is there any product in market or we have to make it?
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
tell me about minor projects in electronics
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
please help me with your ideas on the topic "smart card".
i have to prepare this topic for seminar...hence i will be grateful if u send me a ppt (if possible) at #-Link-Snipped-#😎
thanks a lot....
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
can you please give some topics about telecommunication i have to do final project
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
I want new paper presentation topics in present technology or related electronics and communication
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
sir i want to do small scale project over digital clock using counter can you please help me with schematics also suggest me similar projects .
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
i want unique topic over that telecommunication for project
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
hi...thanks a looot 4 d project ideas..can you pls specify specific ones using vlsi...thanks in advance
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op amp circuit
can op amp work as a power amplifier? i used 4 ohm speaker in a proj , with what modification can i use 8 ohm speaker?
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
hey can you suggest some projects for electronics engineers
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
hey can you suggest some projects for electronics engineers
List is given on first page please check it out.
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hey you go to this web sites hobbyprojects.com,allaboutcircuit.com,efy.com. you will no of projects............
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
hi i am intrestd in doing mini project on flying saucer can u help me
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Member •
Apr 2, 2010
Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
hi can u pls say me how to do mini project in linear integrated circuits....i need to know how to select a topic for mini project and the meaning of mini project....
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
hey i m in third year n ur list is awesome <snipped. Do not use non-English words, unless required>
but we hav completed some of dem dis year itself due 2 changes in portion
n professors r insisting on something new
please suggest some new idea plzz
i hav 2 submit it by next week plzz
Admin Note: Please refrain from using SMS text on CE Forums.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
i m in electronics engg.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
sir can you suggest some PLC based projects that can be applied in the industry.thanks!
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Member •
May 17, 2010
Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
hi god father,
you have given topics in microcontroller but i am still not aware of this subject as i am third year only so can you suggest me topics related to microprocessor or in signal processing...
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
hi godfather,
is there an alternative for gsm modem(you said earlier it costs a lot! how much does it cost?).. im interesyed in robot based on sms control!!(nice idea)
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
hi sir can u suggest me a project for catching a signal and converting the signal into the anyother format......
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
You can make Basic Traffic Light Indicator using 8085
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
invincible hunk
hi godfather,
is there an alternative for gsm modem(you said earlier it costs a lot! how much does it cost?).. im interesyed in robot based on sms control!!(nice idea)
Option for that is use a mobile phone... In the mobile phone you can use it in Two ways... by
SMS controlling or by DTMF tone Controlling.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
you can make a project of finding mobile phone (mobile detector)
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
Dear all.
i am looking for final year project.
i have some ideas but don't have any material.
2 Design and implementation of campus pager system
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
dear Godfather.
i am doing BS (telecom) last year and have to do FYP.
i am interesting in wireless project. do u have any idea for wireless project or any material for it .. ???
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
dear Godfather.
i am doing BS (telecom) last year and have to do FYP.
i am interesting in wireless project. do u have any idea for wireless project or any material for it .. ???
Welcome to the CE Zainpk !
I saw your project ideas and its really awesome from the title it seems that you want to do project based on the communication i have not worked on wireless communication yet but sure i'll try to find some useful data for your project.
If possible then please start one new theread and please keep updating the thread with your project it might be useful to other also.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
i am interesting in REAL TIME IMPLEMENTATION OF OFDM MODEM and searching data for it..
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
hello godfather .I am a 3rd year electronics student.I am confused about the topic which i have to select for my mini project....can you please suggest me some.Isearched many posts and find some interesting threads, but yet i cant make a decision. As a newcomer i need a good hand to guide me.
can you please help me????
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Member •
Jun 14, 2010
Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
hi everyone the project topics given here are related to microcontroller but i havent studied yet so pls give me topics related to microprocessor or transmission lines and waveguides.....its urgent so please give me suggestions soon....
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
anu rajesh
hello godfather .I am a 3rd year electronics student.I am confused about the topic which i have to select for my mini project....can you please suggest me some.Isearched many posts and find some interesting threads, but yet i cant make a decision. As a newcomer i need a good hand to guide me.
can you please help me????
Post here the topic you like from then i will tell you which one good and easy to make.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
hi everyone the project topics given here are related to microcontroller but i havent studied yet so pls give me topics related to microprocessor or transmission lines and waveguides.....its urgent so please give me suggestions soon....
Welcome to CE,
it not necessary that you study microcontroller if you have some basic idea for microprocessor then it is enough.. you can go with controller projects.
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I am interested in making an application for the deaf wherein the voice message at the caller end will be transmitted in the form of data packets such that they appear in the form of text messages at the reciever's end. As the reciever is a deaf person, he would use an instrument which has a LED that glows when he recieves a voice message.(instead of a ringtone). His reply to the same would be in the form of a text message which would be converted to voice at the other end.
can u please help in this , give me idea about the block diagram, things that it wou;ld requires,??or any kind of materials relating my project n implementation??
thanks in advance,
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
hai.... i m really eager to know about the automatic accident alert system, accident identification system... thought of doing it as my final year project.. help me please
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
godfather will u pls send me the solar power related projects?
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
hai.... i m really eager to know about the automatic accident alert system, accident identification system... thought of doing it as my final year project.. help me please
Well the use of GSM modem in the vehicle can be used to make this project.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
gaurav joshi
godfather will u pls send me the solar power related projects?
one simple project is Solar Tracking system.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
can you give me some information about automatic irrigation system and automatic guide vehicle.
regards akka
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
pls help me out wid blackbox sysytem 4 accident analysis.....vat is it abt...jst gv md rough idea...am a final year ec student...hv chosen dis as mah seminar topic....is it gud enuf????
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
pls help me out wid blackbox sysytem 4 accident analysis.....vat is it abt...jst gv md rough idea...am a final year ec student...hv chosen dis as mah seminar topic....is it gud enuf????
Do not use SMS text in the forum. And you have already asked this question in a seperate thread. Give others some time. Don't repeat yourself all over the forum.
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Member •
Aug 21, 2010
Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
hi could you explain about Agricultural Plant watering systems
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
can you please suggest me some topis for minor which further can be implemented into major projects in FIELD OF TELECOMMUNICATION...........i'm ece student and wanna do some g8 work..........plz help me.........
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
i need someseminaar topics for electronics and comm engineering and a data link for that
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
i need someseminaar topics for electronics and comm engineering and a data link for that
I had given seminar on the
HVD:- Holographic Versatile Disc... try to get Data on that and one more hot topic is
3D TV.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
thanks guru
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
You are Welcome !
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
hey godfather....the collection is really gud....congrts..aktuallyy i hd sm othr things in my mynd ....i wanted to make a system whr d microprocessr will tell me d direction of my missing objects in any rum or any hall ,aftr receiving signals frm a small chip, which is placed onto dat object...the direction will b shown on to the 7 segment display...the direction will b lyk...north west or extreme east etc..i jzt want to get sm idea bout the pros nd cons of this project....plz do giv ur thoughts on this....thankz..
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
what about sending me details of a A GPS map digitization program
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
what about sending me details of a A GPS map digitization program
Welcome to CE Kihara,
well i have not this project ready but try to find on google i am sure you will get some info regarding that.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
hi i m 2nd year b.tech student i m intrested in doing project in electronics area.....can u suggest me something?
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
Hi #-Link-Snipped-# ,
Please go to the first post in the thread which lists down all the projects and pick something of your choice.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
hi god father..
i'm final year BE student interested in doing project based on rfid .....
please help me in designing the rfid antenna ......
i dunno which type of antenna have to use for the rfid reader & how to design it.........
please send your valuable suggestions and answers to my mail id shown below
thanking you sir
Anthena circuit design for RF ID Applications[/QUOTE]
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
tks frienddddddddddd
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
hi god father..
i'm final year BE student interested in doing project based on rfid .....
please help me in designing the rfid antenna ......
i dunno which type of antenna have to use for the rfid reader & how to design it.........
please send your valuable suggestions and answers to my mail id shown below
thanking you sir
Anthena circuit design for RF ID Applications
Sorry but i have no idea about antenna designing.
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2010
tks frienddddddddddd
Welcome to CE Swapna.
Please follow the rules and please have a introduction in Introduction Zone.
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hi godfather, i am a ECE student,want to get ideas from u,i want to learn sumthng in our profsn, wud b happy,if u can . .
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hi godfather, i am a ECE student,want to get ideas from u,i want to learn sumthng in our profsn, wud b happy,if u can . .
Yeah Sure,
Let me know how can i help.
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hi... im asha doing ma 3rd year electronics and communication engineering... i joined CE a month ago and i found ur project topics very useful to me.. but i have an idea of converting light into voltage that can be used to charge cell phone or run a toy like thing.... it will be so kind of u if u let me know if there are any possibilities for doing so ..... i wanted to take this as ma project but i have no clue of how to proceed it...
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
sir iam a final year ece student.I want abstraction about Advanced Encryption standared using micro controller.please sir send the abstract in my email id <removed>#-Link-Snipped-#
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
sir iam a final year ece student.I want abstraction about Advanced Encryption standared using micro controller.please sir send the abstract in my email id <removed>
Why do you want us to do your homework?
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hello sir!
I am fourth yr electronics student from Nepal. I want to do gsm based my final year project. I am thinking about GSM BASED VEHICLE LOCATION TRACKING SYSTEM. so i want your help. Sir, If any other suitable topics are there. please let me know.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
first of all amazing work you people are doing here,pity to see people just want ready made stuff of the topics they want without any input from their side,they dont understand the purpose of the project they are doing,anyway Am just in 2nd year Mumbai University student.of all the topics you have mentioned,can you tell me the very basic and easy ones out of them,something which first years and second years can do with little help,then i can get started and if i get stuck i'll get back to you guys 😀
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hello god father!
I want to do my final year project on BTS implementation for GSM. can anybady help me by providing project topic and materials.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
first of all amazing work you people are doing here,pity to see people just want ready made stuff of the topics they want without any input from their side,they dont understand the purpose of the project they are doing,anyway Am just in 2nd year Mumbai University student.of all the topics you have mentioned,can you tell me the very basic and easy ones out of them,something which first years and second years can do with little help,then i can get started and if i get stuck i'll get back to you guys 😀
Welcome to CE Blitz,
For the first and second year level you can use some Analog IC's Logic Gates and try to make Circuit based on that after that you can easily convert the same thing on Controller for your third and fourth year project.
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i was wondering if its possible for a group of 2nd years to make a mini project on "Solar tracking device"??
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Hi godfather,
Do u have any new project ideas for instrumentation and control engineering that is which was implemented in 2008 or in process?
Sheru Instrumentation is a vast field can u tell me year and the amount of time u can afford to invest in making this project i have list of projects completed and semicompleted for Instrumentation Engineering..... 😁
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Automatic electric billing system
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Automatic electric billing system
?? What is this? you like this Topic or you want to do the project based on this Topic?
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i like the collection. can u suggest me a interesting topic for mini project.
im ece student
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
i need the detailed description for the projects which u hav guided
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Re: CEan - Godfather's Ultimate Electronics / Communications Project Ideas - 2009
i need the detailed description for the projects which u hav guided
These all the just title suggestions not DIY projects. You can get the idea from the titles and also change the functions or you can add some more features too. 😀
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Apartment multi channel fuse blown indicator & annunciation
Apartment security system
Artificial intelligent embedded line tracking follower robot
ATM card
Attendance recorder
Auto path finder robotic car
Auto stop motion and annunciate for knitting mills
Automated pump tester
Automatic traffic light system
Automatic bottle filing system
Automatic busfair system
Automatic car parking controller using RF
Automatic coil winding machine and controller
Automatic digital time switch
Automatic dim dipper programmable ON/OFF Timer controller
Automatic dim Dipper system
Automatic Door opening system
Automatic drainage system for industrial pipe lines
Automatic drilling system
Automatic dyeing machine
Automatic Electric billing system
Automatic fence controller
Automatic frequency counter
Automatic guided vehicle
Automatic humidity control for refrigerator
Automatic industrial operator
Automatic industrial drilling machine
Automatic irrigation system with wireless transmission
Automatic jogging, breaking, plugging for motors
Automatic lamination machine
Automatic load controller
sir good day i would to do this "Automatic irrigation system with wireless transmission" can u send me the complete details of this project hope u can help me about this matter sir my email is <<Snipped>>
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
sir good day i would to do this "Automatic irrigation system with wireless transmission" can u send me the complete details of this project hope u can help me about this matter sir my email is <<Snipped>>
We don't have any complete project here on CE but this thread is only for the project ideas.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
We don't have any complete project here on CE but this thread is only for the project ideas.
sir were can we find the complete details of this matter
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
sir were can we find the complete details of this matter
For the complete detail you have to search and start work on the project basic circuitry and some fundamental knowledge is required do not ask for spoon feed project.
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Member •
Jun 3, 2011
hey can u help out in selecting a final yr project based on communications....
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hi, Godfather.........i want sum more information abt auto room control system...........will u plz help me.............😔
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hi, Godfather.........i want sum more information abt auto room control system...........will u plz help me.............😔
What exactly you want ? just more information? but please don't ask for Ready Projects.
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hi godfather,actually i need a project on electronics.........do u have any new project idea?..................i need a project topics on electronics........plz help me.........plz
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Wow!!! I haven't seen this thread... Awesome... 😀
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hi godfather,actually i need a project on electronics.........do u have any new project idea?..................i need a project topics on electronics........plz help me.........plz
How about voice transmission using diode lasers? The output of a diode laser (Such as used in pointers) can easily be modulated using a microphone system. At the receiving end a suitable phototransistor and audio circuitry can decode the signal and feed it to a head phone. By using IR or UV diodes invisible light can be used. Such a device cannot be jammed and will maintain radio silence. Difficult to intercept also. Range will be small but may have some niche areas of use. It has to be necessarily line-of-sight.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Thank you father...these ideas are very useful but only few days more for me to show the project...i've not started yet....could you please help me with some of projects ideas existing in the upcoming life time projects...
Thanks a lot for your guidens...hope i would do well in my future carrier....
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Thank you father...these ideas are very useful but only few days more for me to show the project...i've not started yet....could you please help me with some of projects ideas existing in the upcoming life time projects...
Thanks a lot for your guidens...hope i would do well in my future carrier....
There are lot of ideas in this thread please select one in which you are really interested. if you found any problem do post on CE again we will sure try our best to help you.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Father we,ve decided to do the project on automation in agriculture using humidity sensors and microcontroller...can you kindly suggest me some of the humidity measuring sensor which can sense a large range...
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
There are lot of types of humidity sensor are available. I am not sure which one has good range.
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Thank you god father. Can you suggest me something about future trends of project based on biomedical instruments
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Member •
Jul 30, 2011
8 digit pulse counter - can u give some mre details of this project
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Thank you god father. Can you suggest me something about future trends of project based on biomedical instruments
Based on Biomedical Instruments you can make Blood Pressure Monitoring, Or Pulse Oximeter or any Fingerprint based project.
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8 digit pulse counter - can u give some mre details of this project
In this project there is Pulse given to one Microcontroller and which counts the pulse number and display that count on Seven Segment display. 😀
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I need an IEEE based project. All projects you have mentioned above are just mini projects as far as an BE EXTC student is concerned. Nowadays its getting tougher to make your college easliy accept thye already dun up topics..please suggest some latest new topics...it will be mre helpful if some1 has readymade project and the topic suits us.
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Anurag Ojha
I need an IEEE based project. All projects you have mentioned above are just mini projects as far as an BE EXTC student is concerned. Nowadays its getting tougher to make your college easliy accept thye already dun up topics..please suggest some latest new topics...it will be mre helpful if some1 has readymade project and the topic suits us.
Here is one innovative idea to upgrade Wireless Mouse.
Link:- #-Link-Snipped-#
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Dear admin. I m obliged by your quick reply.Although i appreciate your idea but the fact is that we have a group of four people and our college wants some big project..else they wont accept...pls help me suggesting more things....
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India will shortly have 1 in 3 as diabetics. Daily needle pricks to assess blood sugar is a pain (often literally in the backside). If you can come up with a low cost non invasive blood sugar monitoring it will be a winner, even commercially.
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hello... i was interested in "Coffee maker".. but dunno how to start?? plz help me godfather.... do you have any info on it??
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how about 'Wheelchair controlled by Eyeball motion and blinking sensor'? got any idea abt it bro? kindly help me out.. need to submit synopsis of my project ASAP.. plz help..
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<a href="https://www.usatechguide.org/blog/eye-control-wheelchair-steals-the-show/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">SmartOnHand is under construction</a>
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hai, am an ece student.. now we hav to do projects.. can u help me out in selecting a project idea.. i was interested in an idea based on eye controlled mouse-pointer... nt cnfirmed.. plz help me in..
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
All the Topics Seems to Bit similar. How about something more innovative? More thoughtful
1) Controlling the Air Condition Level in An AC MALL based on Face Detection.
2) More features to Automobiles Driven by Microcontrollers: Automated Dipper, Alarm in Reverse Gear if any obstacle is nearby, Automatic Deeper in the Night, Parking Light Start Glowing only when a vehicle is approaching, saving the battery.
3) Biometric enabled smart Ration card for India with weight sensors( with either fingerprint or face)
4) Automatic can crusher ( collects the cans from the bins and crushes them) Helpful for places like bakery, restaurants for Garbage disposal
5) Low cost Gas Leakage Sensor ( with purely pressure change gauge and without any Expensive Gas Sensor)
6) A prototype development for automated parking Lot control. Assembly must identify free parking slots, pick up a car, place it in the slot and vice versa.
7) Smart Door with video phone and intercom system which will give more security to senior citizens
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how about 'Wheelchair controlled by Eyeball motion and blinking sensor'? got any idea abt it bro? kindly help me out.. need to submit synopsis of my project ASAP.. plz help..
You can do this by combining hardware with software
1) Use an OpenCV to detect blink ( Program available in internet)
2) Update the program for motion of the eye detection
3) You will have directions like UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT
4) Make a Servo motor assemble for Wheel Chair control like move forward, Reverse and so on. ( Note DC and Stepper motor do not take that load so 15v servo is ideal with Gear Assembly. Because Servo motor itself can not take the whole load
5) Design a simple interface ( may be through parallel port of PC). Relay drive the servo motor. There should be a bipolar one for controlling motor movement forward and back.
6) write switch case statement which controls it.
just observe this video you will get the Idea( Its hosted in facebook, so just log in and get redirected)
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hai, am an ece student.. now we hav to do projects.. can u help me out in selecting a project idea.. i was interested in an idea based on eye controlled mouse-pointer... nt cnfirmed.. plz help me in..
Even though I am not a moderator of this forum I object the use of "plz" and "nt cnfirmed". Not only crazy engineers but also all the engineers must abandon the use of SMS language. If we do not have enough time to express ourselves, how do we dedicate time to innovation?
Next big thing, About deciding the projects : its all about Idea and technology awareness. Is that topic really drives you? I mean do you really get mad thinking about that Ideas? If so you can go for the topic. There is something called Google in internet. Where you can type a topic and hundreds of articles and previous work appears. You need to read them to understand how much has been done and what you can do. As an E&C student you can pursue the said topic if you have knowledge of following
1) Either matlab or C++ ( Java?? Never in dreams also for this topic)
2) Matlab is very slow in video processing. So at the most you can comeup with a demo but not a working model
3) Controlling Mouse through eye is not only difficult to control but also physically demanding and strain for the eye. And even when you do that, it becomes a pure software project. Rather try to control say some robot or fans and lights of the room.
4) If you can collect following codes, you can integrate it ( Take my words , this is a dam challenging topic)
a) Video acquisition from web cam
b) Motion Detection
c) Correlation based matching ( or template matching)
d) Blink detection
e) Mouse APIs ( in matlab it will be through java, in OpenCV it will be Microsoft's C++ APIs for Mouse Interface)
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Re: Some Project List Collected By--> GodFather
Looking for some Electronics projects...
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hi, i am akash want to be a specific project related to electronics and communication branch..if any body have information related to above then reply .please give some new projects related ece branch ,
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Akash dhiman
hi, i am akash want to be a specific project related to electronics and communication branch..if any body have information related to above then reply .please give some new projects related ece branch ,
Have you gone through Rupam's Post? Please check it again. That are quite new ideas.
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helloo,actually i want to build a automatic traffic controller project in which the timer sets it time according to the density of the traffic,wherever traffic is more it increase the time automaticaly and where ever is less it reduce its time,so can u plz tell me what kind os sensor i use to measure the density of traffic.
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helloo,actually i want to build a automatic traffic controller project in which the timer sets it time according to the density of the traffic,wherever traffic is more it increase the time automaticaly and where ever is less it reduce its time,so can u plz tell me what kind os sensor i use to measure the density of traffic.
There are various ways of monitoring that. The simplest one being Lasser or IR sensor.
Let us say that A, B and C are 3 monitoring places. As many number of times a vehicles crosses any point, circuit is closed and counter is increamented.
This counter can be used to measure the density( rate of change of traffic information)
You can get some Idea from this
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sir if the vehicle get suddenly out of order means engine does nt start at the moment of green light than the circuit still close and the timer time gets increment so wht here we can do or if some animal close come than these condition gets fail too........
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i am interested in implementing a paper titled ' architectural power management for battery life time optimization in portable systems'
i need more sources for implementation and also good guiding place to do this as my final sem project.
Here insertion of slops will increase the battery efficiency.
This may include h-spice & mentor graphics on software basis.
Please, reply me as soon as possible and indicating the difficulties to be faced in doing this project.
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I am curious. Have you seen this paper?
<a href="https://www.eng.auburn.edu/~agrawvd/TALKS/VDAT11/108_ET.pdf" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">PDF</a>
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how can i get these word files
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God father, im seeking help in making my design project namely Automated gardening network, you can reply thru my email for feedbacks.
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how can i get these word files
Word file for all these projects? or for any perticular Project.
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God father, im seeking help in making my design project namely Automated gardening network, you can reply thru my email for feedbacks.
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No need to share email ID we also help on forum. Please start one new topic with what you want to help out and what you have done for the particular project.
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