Member • Feb 27, 2010
melkamu nibreti want to do a project on automatic door opening system in the coming 3 month and i want some advice
Member • Mar 3, 2010
😁 heeeeeeeeeeeeeelppppppppppppppppAre you sure? This action cannot be undone. -
Member • Mar 3, 2010
What help lol? First tell us what all things you have already done, then how the project is developing. Also tell us what is in your mind, how you are planning to do it...
Then you will surely get help!Are you sure? This action cannot be undone. -
Member • Mar 3, 2010
first thank you for your help and i jest think the project like their is a door that door is have some sensor and it open automatically by sensing the car or the person near to the door and i don/t have the hardware now how so please say some thing about at what way that i done this thank you for your replay...............lalWhat help lol? First tell us what all things you have already done, then how the project is developing. Also tell us what is in your mind, how you are planning to do it...
Then you will surely get help!Are you sure? This action cannot be undone. -
Member • Mar 4, 2010
hi u can use the infrared sensors for sensing the person and use microcontroller to make your project easy.Are you sure? This action cannot be undone. -
Member • Mar 4, 2010
first thanks you for your help and i want to sak some thing that is how i use infrared sensors for sensing the person and please tell me how and where i use microcontrolerinspiringhi u can use the infrared sensors for sensing the person and use microcontroller to make your project easy.Are you sure? This action cannot be undone. -
Member • Mar 4, 2010
HI ,IR transmitter and reciever u can get from any electronics market andmelkamu nibretfirst thanks you for your help and i want to sak some thing that is how i use infrared sensors for sensing the person and please tell me how and where i use microcontroler
and first make your hardware using microcontroller look for the pdf of 8051
and about ir whenever any low pulse comes ir pulse gets cut and get the low pulse sensed by ur controller.Are you sure? This action cannot be undone. -
Member • Mar 29, 2010
This is an Project for Shop Doors using PLC Programme
⢠The entrance consists of two sliding doors.
⢠The doors open when a customerâs presence activates a photocell.
⢠Each door is opened and closed by its own motor.
⢠The doors return to default position (closed) five seconds after the last activation of the photocell. Consequently, several customers arriving one after the other will extend the time the door remains open.
⢠The number of customers is recorded for statistics. Manual resetting of this counter should be possible.
⢠The total number of times the doors have opened since they were last serviced should be recorded. Each opening of the doors should result in a counter being incremented. When the counter reaches a preset limit, a flag should indicate that service is required. Manual resetting of the flag should be possible.
Variable and Data Type Preparation
Before starting to write the code you should have a clear picture of the objects in the âmodelâ. Although it is possible to start writing the code and define the variables later, it is best to define them from the beginning.
The photocell has two states, active and inactive, typically represented by a Boolean variable. We use a Boolean variable named Photo_Cell (1 = active, 0 = inactive).
Door motors
The entrance itself consists of two doors facing each other. Each door is opened by a motor controlled by Boolean signals (Motor_l and Motor_2). The time the doors should remain open is declared in a variable DoorsOpen_Time of type time.
Number of customers
Each time the photocell is activated, a counter representing the total number of customers entering the shop should be incremented. This counter, Customers_Qty, is of type integer.
⢠On certain dates, the shop manager records the total number of customers up to
that date and resets the counter. Consequently a Boolean variable Reset_Counter is declared which resets the counter.
Door service intervals
Since the doors are to be serviced at regular intervals, let us say after every 10,000 openings, we want to keep a record of the number of openings since the previous service. The number of openings is stored as the variable Openings_Freq of type dint.
⢠When the counter reaches the upper limit defined by Openings_Total of type dint, a flag (Service_Req of type Boolean) is set, indicating that service is required. Manual resetting of the service counter is activated using a Boolean variable Serviced. The doors should continue to work even if service is not performed.
mail: #-Link-Snipped-#Are you sure? This action cannot be undone. -
Member • Apr 14, 2010
Maybe you can use PIR sensor for wider range for person detection. Then the signal connect to the microcontroller. The output, you need some mechanism to open the door. Maybe you can use DC motor.Are you sure? This action cannot be undone. -
Member • Oct 31, 2011
friends that's actually opening an automobile door (say a car) we are final year students from mechanical we have to start the project just after the semester ie in dec we would like to get full info on the topic weather it is possible to do ?
And moreover we've to complete it in 2 months we would like to have some ideas for making this possible with a low budget
And i thank u all for providing the relevant information regarding this topic(AUTOMATIC DOOR OPENING SYSTEM IN AUTOMOBILE)Are you sure? This action cannot be undone. -
Member • Oct 31, 2011
hope you understand the requirement and please provide info as early as possible because we have to submit or register the topic the very next week..Are you sure? This action cannot be undone. -
Member • Oct 31, 2011
and we are thinking the topic to be automatic door opening system in automobiles
and we are from mechanical final year thank u allAre you sure? This action cannot be undone. -
Member • Nov 1, 2011
What improve lol? Prototypal narrate us what all things you have already finished, then how the task is nonindustrial. Also recount us what is in your intention, how you are preparation to do it...Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.