Word list for me (c)

canvass (v): To seek votes or opinions; to conduct a survey

Circus tents, among other things, used to be made of canvas but this is a different word.

Canvass can also be a noun. A canvass is an act of canvassing. After an exhaustive canvass of consumers, the polling organization discovered that made consumers feel most optimistic about the global economy.


  • Tejashree Katdare
    Tejashree Katdare
    careen (v): To swerve; to move rapidly without control; to lean to one side
    The airliner careened into several small planes as it taxied toward the terminal.
    The drunk driver's automobile bounced off several lampposts as it careened along the waterfront, eventually running off the end of the pier and plunging into the harbor.
    The ship careened heavily in the storm, causing all of the cargo in its hold to shift to one side.
    Purists insist in use of the etymologically unrelated word career in place of careen in the two instances above, reserving careen for the meaning illustrated in the third example. But most modern speakers happily use careen to mean to swerve or to move rapidly without control and seldom think about career at all . It's hard to get too worked up about this issue.
  • Tejashree Katdare
    Tejashree Katdare
    cipher (n): Zero; A nobody; a code; the solution to a code

    To decipher a coded message is to decode it.
    To encipher a message is to put it into a code.
  • Tejashree Katdare
    Tejashree Katdare
    citadel (n): A fortress defending a city; a stronghold; a bulwark

    clamor (v): To cry out loud; public noise or protest

    cloister (n): A covered walk, with columns on one side, that runs along the perimeter of a courtyard, especially in a convent or monastery, a tranquil, secluded place. In these meanings, this word is of interest primarily to people who are interested in convents or monasteries.

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