  • Dear engineers,
    I need your help in analyzing this query:

    Our plant consists of 11x 635 KW, 415V Waukesha gensets, 2 x 3.5MW,11KV wartsila gensets, 11 KV main bus for synchronization & 10 MW,11KV, 50 Hz gas turbine. The neutral of gas turbine is earthed against the manufacturers recommendations.
    Now, a 2.7MV, 11KV, 50 Hz steam Turbine is being added to the system whose neutral is recommended to be earthed. but before taking this action the Neutral of existing Gas Turbine is to be un-earthed.

    I am not asking from manufacturer's point of view but I am simply asking from synchronization point of view. Any questions will be welcomed!

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 22, 2011

    Thread moved to electrical/electronics engineering section.
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