  • Now that WhatsApp has officially entered the Indian payments market, I thought of knowing what our fellow CEans think about it. Do you think WhatsApp has an edge over PayTM and others because almost everyone with a smartphone has WhatsApp, but not PayTM? Moreover, if you are an existing Paytm user, will you switch over to WhatsApp for majority of your payments?
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberFeb 15, 2018

    Till date I havent used PayTM! But I am using Tej by Google and it just expanded to serve for other utilities as well. Now google will link it to Play store soon.
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  • Jasim Chouhan

    MemberFeb 15, 2018

    As of now i am using PayTM. Lets see where Whatapp live up to our expectations. And most important which one will give best offers.
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