  • Quote:
    You can tell a lot about people from the individuals they most admire. So a recent #-Link-Snipped-# to find the public’s top engineering heroes paints an interesting picture of Britain’s view of engineers.

    For one thing, the survey conducted by the organisation behind the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering shows a recognition of how wide a discipline engineering really is, taking in civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical and computer engineers - including many who probably wouldn’t achieve chartered status today. But the poll also reveals some things about how we view engineering achievement.

    Many that I admire are in the list of twenty in the article.

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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorSep 2, 2014

    It's great to see Mr. Bose being on the top 10 of their list! 👍
    Also, quite interesting to see Thomas Edison on No. 19 and Tesla on No. 3. Speaks volumes about how much people still love Tesla.

    Leonardo-Da-Vinci is really the greatest.
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  • jeshukb09

    MemberSep 3, 2014

    Ya.. it always feels good when we see someone from our country in the world's top lists. And also feeling proud !!!

    But I am little bit confuse why Sir Thomas Alva Edison is not in the top 10 (at 19th position) as he invented electric bulb which is very much useful for a common man and which comes in daily use for almost everyone.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberSep 3, 2014

    What about the unknown that invented the wheel?
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  • jeshukb09

    MemberSep 3, 2014

    What about the unknown that invented the wheel?
    Sir.. This is a big question ????
    It is a fact that many always forget those who laid foundation for the advanced technological development.
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