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  • Reya

    MemberDec 9, 2011

    Which application are you going to use?

    Can you elaborate more about your project?
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    MemberDec 9, 2011

    hmm... input will be "voice input input character by character" and simultaneously it will display on it on the screen.this is my 1st stage... i have tried it with sphinx4 but i m not able to create my own code,dictionary.. and my guide is of no use...
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    MemberDec 9, 2011

    plz somebody help me....
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberDec 9, 2011

    I saw some voice recognization application based on MATLAB. Try to find the interface between MATLAB and your Java based app it may make your work easy.
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  • Rupam Das

    MemberDec 22, 2011

    First record voice using java. It will generate .wav file.

    Read the content of of the file using wave file reader. These are in octate format.
    Take 128 point FFT of these values.
    Encode result of FFT with a quantizer called features. and compare two voice features using Nearest Neighbor classifier.

    All codes are available in internet. You need to look around for modules and not the source code of your project.
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberDec 22, 2011

    This gives a complete detail about Java Speech API: #-Link-Snipped-#
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