  • With online communities - a lot of people prefer being anonymous. In fact, for the first few years of CrazyEngineers, I continued to use a nick-name 'The Big K'; and a lot of our members had supercool usernames. However, CrazyEngineers is evolving and we believe we've nothing to hide. I changed my username to my real name and a lot of our most amazing members volunteered to use their real name on CE as well.

    We want to setup a real trend here - instead of using your username or anonymous identity, why not use your real name?

    Why? - We've seen the engagement and trust ever since we've began using our real names has gone up! Especially, when we're offering help - you know that you're being helped a human engineer and not a robot.

    Let's Do It!
    We encourage you to change your username to your real name. Start a (click) #-Link-Snipped-# with me and let me know your real name as "Firstname: " & "Lastname ". Depending upon availability, we'll change it to the best possible format.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorDec 8, 2013

    True that. I changed my cheeky AbraKaDabra (which by the way sounded so cool to me when I was 17) to my real name and have never felt better about posting here on CE.

    Real names speak of real people and gives people around the community a sense of belief in the system. Especially when we are here to help fellow engineers.

    Do the good thing. Use your real name. 👍
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberDec 8, 2013

    Someone else already on CE with my full name anoop kumar 😯
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 8, 2013

    They're no longer active. So we'll remove their account and make way for our heroes! 👍
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  • Sanyam Khurana

    MemberDec 8, 2013

    Someone else already on CE with my full name @#-Link-Snipped-# 😯
    But I think, since this is pretty old one, and has never been used, that ID can be deleted or the user name for that ID can be changed, and you can get it..
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 8, 2013

    Done, already!
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    MemberDec 9, 2013

    I read all above comments, but I would like to stick to the Issue 😉

    I hope, it is not compulsory.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 9, 2013

    It's not compulsory. But we'd love to see CEans using their real names.
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  • Sahithi Pallavi

    MemberDec 10, 2013

    Why this?
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberDec 10, 2013

    Why this?
    Why not ?
    People don't hesitate using real name in FB, then why they hesitate using it here ? Atleast CE is 100x better than FB.

    BTW I will never understand, why people hesitate using their real identity 'anywhere'. No offense.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorDec 10, 2013

    Why this?
    Sooner than you think, there will be a lot of places where using your real name on CE will be of help to you as well as others. We are in expand the platform stage and it makes sense to secure your real IDs on CE. No matter how unique our name is.

    Plus, you especially have contributed so much to CE. It is just a recognition of your efforts. I think every all the amazing CE members should accept the credit they so rightfully deserve.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 10, 2013

    Well, frankly speaking - we're preparing for the future of CE. We are evolving from a discussion forum and a news blog to becoming a part of everyone's daily life - and make sure that CE becomes a reliable & trustworthy friend throughout an engineer's lifetime.

    In order to do that; we think it's important that we stand for what we are. We've nothing to hide, no reason to be hiding behind avatars. I personally was hesitant to change my ID from 'The Big K'; but took the plunge first.

    Plus, for the first time in CE's history; we now have a team and are on the verge of bringing the much needed and postponed (for unfortunate reasons) change to CE.

    The bottom line - I think using our real name brings more credibility to all our contributions. We aren't making it compulsory (we can't) but would really love to see all CEans becoming a part of the next change. 👍
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberDec 10, 2013

    I am using my real name from quite sometime now 😀 I like it!!

    PS. Was away from CE and home and office for a week due to hectic schedule this continues till 15th!!
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  • Sahithi Pallavi

    MemberDec 11, 2013

    Done 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 11, 2013

    Looks 10x more professional discussion immediately!
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  • Akshay Patil

    MemberDec 14, 2013

    someone using my name too Akshay Patil....hope you help me !!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 14, 2013

    someone using my name too Akshay Patil....hope you help me !!
    Yes, it's available and changed.
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  • Akshay Patil

    MemberDec 14, 2013

    Thankx a lot
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  • yogi.bharadwaj

    MemberDec 17, 2013

    Kaustubh Katdare
    With online communities - a lot of people prefer being anonymous. In fact, for the first few years of CrazyEngineers, I continued to use a nick-name 'The Big K'; and a lot of our members had supercool usernames. However, CrazyEngineers is evolving and we believe we've nothing to hide. I changed my username to my real name and a lot of our most amazing members volunteered to use their real name on CE as well.

    We want to setup a real trend here - instead of using your username or anonymous identity, why not use your real name?

    Why? - We've seen the engagement and trust ever since we've began using our real names has gone up! Especially, when we're offering help - you know that you're being helped a human engineer and not a robot.

    Let's Do It!
    We encourage you to change your username to your real name. Start a (click) #-Link-Snipped-# with me and let me know your real name as "Firstname: " & "Lastname ". Depending upon availability, we'll change it to the best possible format.
    ya thats cool but i already using it or short form of origional one is it ok?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 17, 2013

    ya thats cool but i already using it or short form of origional one is it ok?
    As we said, everything is 'okay'. We however would love if you could use your full, real name.
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  • micheal john

    MemberDec 17, 2013

    Kaustubh Katdare
    As we said, everything is 'okay'. We however would love if you could use your full, real name.

    How do you solve the ambiguity problem in names
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 17, 2013

    micheal john
    How do you solve the ambiguity problem in names
    Using dot or space or underscore between first name and last name.
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  • Rupam Das

    MemberDec 17, 2013

    I am probably the first among senior CE members who used my real name and photo? CE should put me in it's hall of Fame 😁
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 19, 2013

    Rupam Das
    I am probably the first among senior CE members who used my real name and photo? CE should put me in it's hall of Fame 😁
    That's indeed true. If my memory serves me right; it was @#-Link-Snipped-# who used his real name on CE. Mayur kept on insisting that I too use my real name on CE, but I didn't. There's an interesting story to it -

    - When we began our journey back in 2005 (November), no one really used their real names online. People found it more comfortable hiding behind their avatars. There were a few reasons why we didn't use our real names on CE in the initial days -
    • Names indicate nationality (in most of the cases). We never wanted to be identified as 'Indian' website. We wanted participation from all over the world.
    • No one really used their real names online.
    • I still believe you can hide behind any online identity and contribute more fearlessly; without having the fear of being wrong. That has changed a LOT in the last few years (since Orkut & Facebook).
    There's one problem we're trying to address. We still have 'unique username' requirement in place (which was designed years ago), which needs to go. I'm not sure when will that change come. But you should claim your name while it's available! 😀
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  • Contrivers

    MemberDec 23, 2013

    User name must be i m nt able to upload my full name...i.e Tarun Gupta
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 23, 2013

    User name must be i m nt able to upload my full name...i.e Tarun Gupta
    It appears that the user with name 'Tarun Gupta' is your old account at CrazyEngineers. 😀 I'll send you a private message for verification so that we can merge both these accounts.
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