Member • Aug 19, 2013
Transformer TX Is A Car-Kidnapping Drone For DARPA
Though being designed for DARPA, the transformer tx would be useful not only in warfields, but also to carry interchangeable payloads like cargo pods, medical evacuation units, rescue missions etc. Lockheed Martin showed off the designs of the vehicles at the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) a few days ago. Company's engineers have found out that the UAVs can carry cars.
The current Transformer TX design allows for enclosed rotors that allow take off and landing in half-the area as compared to any regular helicopter. The machine will be able to do about 250 miles in a single take fill. It will be able to move with speeds of about 200 knots.
Do let us know what you think about these machines.
Source: #-Link-Snipped-#