  • Seattle is well-known for holding the largest coffee chain in the world. With the essence of coffee and adept technocrats together in harmony, have innovated the 'Textspresso' machine making it the only device to initiate serving steaming hot coffee through SMS.

    The manufacturer seems to be a real coffee lover; so his innovations have led to a fully automated order-via-text coffee machine. Essentially, this unique coffee maker is assembled with more than 300 distinctly working parts all packed into a hard glossy cabinet.


    That merely means, after you come back from your office totally fagged, your steaming hot cup of coffee is ready to be sipped. For this, you just need to send a text to the device before you actually arrive and your cup is ready. The main motive behind this complex project is to demonstrate the ability of cloud messaging and accessing those messages through tablets and desktops.

    Quite interesting: If a thousand people place their order via texting, I am sure you would take just a second to find your cup. Do you feel the machine hangs a tag with your number labeled on it? Using hyper-technologies, the Textspresso machine is embedded with an inkjet printer to print your mobile number after the last drop pours into the coffee mug.

    You read it right, these inkjet printer cartridges bear edible ink and you won’t get confused going on to pick the wrong mug. The company has several surprises to keep you intact with the advancement of the technology. For next, the company’s cloud texting system is already pipelined for showcase.

    Source: #-Link-Snipped-#
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