Technology does not make you dumber

Over the past 3 years, a lot of people have taken pot shots at Technology. Right from the #-Link-Snipped-# in 2009 to abolish the use of computers in work, to using technology as an education/learning tool. People have made forecasts that the world is getting dumber with lesser and lesser fundamental innovations being made every year. With work getting automated at levels where an entire car can be manufactured without any manual intervention, the use of technology in our lives is rampant.

Image Courtesy: Rapid Web News

It is because of this that articles like #-Link-Snipped-# and #-Link-Snipped-# are written and lapped up by the society. Reading this makes me want to shake up the authors real hard and ask them, “Why would you want to spit in your own plate? Backstabbing the very profession that feeds you?”

Technology ensures that tasks which are repetitive are automated within the given set of parameters. This means that you have more time left to do more. If having more time on your hands makes you more stupid, then I shall buy this argument of technology making people dumber. What you do with the additional time is completely your prerogative. If you choose to waste it, so be it.

Why blame technology for that?


You are reading an archived discussion.

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