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  • saurabhkk

    MemberApr 16, 2018

    I too have the same query, having almost 5 year IT experience.... I Did M.Tech in VLSI from NITR and got placed in IT started working in IT itself now thinking to switch into VLSI field in Physical design ... Please suggest how to move into VLSI and how good it will be as per salary wise...
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 17, 2018

    Welcome to CE, #-Link-Snipped-# and #-Link-Snipped-# .

    It's important to know the reason you wish to make the switch. Without a solid reason, career switch is going to be challenging.
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  • [Prototype]

    MemberApr 17, 2018

    #-Link-Snipped-#, that's not enough for a switch. What exactly is the reason you're looking to switch? And there are multiple branches in VLSI. Which one are you looking to switch into? Frontend (design, verif), Backend(synthesis, sta, DFT, PD)?

    #-Link-Snipped-#, Salaries are good but it'll be tough start. You'll have to start as a fresher.
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  • saurabhkk

    MemberApr 17, 2018

    Thanks for your revert...
    Yes, I have to start as fresher but I am thinking after 5 years i will be in good position as compare to IT Job. Please say your opinion.
    I am thinking a course in VLSI Physical design from Chipedge Bangalore to have knowledge in specific tools and enter into VLSI.
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  • rahul69

    MemberMay 1, 2018

    Thanks for your revert...
    Yes, I have to start as fresher but I am thinking after 5 years i will be in good position as compare to IT Job. Please say your opinion.
    I am thinking a course in VLSI Physical design from Chipedge Bangalore to have knowledge in specific tools and enter into VLSI.
    Switching field is not an easy job and unless you don't have a very good reason it is better to continue, but then again don't think later what would have happened if I would've switched.
    Do your research, but finally take a decision yourself. That way you will not have anyone else to blame and thus will be able to take responsibility to work things out.
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  • Srinivas Guthula

    MemberMay 21, 2018

    #-Link-Snipped-#‍ - Thanks for your revert. I'm interested in VLSI, due to personal constraints couldn't join in VLSI. Looking at current trend, future, growth, salaries in IT, i look forward to join in VLSI. I have a feeling it would be better than IT after few years from now. Please could you provide your inputs and better way to proceed further.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 21, 2018

    Tagging #-Link-Snipped-#‍ to answer you. He runs his venture in Gujarat and I'm sure he'll have inputs to guide you. 

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  • Srinivas Guthula

    MemberMay 22, 2018

    #-Link-Snipped-#‍ - Please provide your inputs.

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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberMay 22, 2018

    #-Link-Snipped-#‍ - I would suggest to remain into VLSI field only and instead of switch filed completely try to explore the VLSI more the things that you are not master right now learn it and use it. I can see VLSI is going to have better application and projects coming in upcoming years.

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  • Srinivas Guthula

    MemberMay 22, 2018

    #-Link-Snipped-#‍ - I'm currently in IT field from 7years.. would like to switch to VLSI now. Need your inputs on it.

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  • Delli Prasad

    MemberDec 27, 2018

    Hi @#-Link-Snipped-# , have you switched to VLSI. I am from EEE and having 5 years of experience in IT. Would like to Switch to VLSI backend PD.

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