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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 16, 2013

    what are the steps to get patent for a new idea?
    Please refer to this this discussion thread: <a href="">How to file a patent in India?</a>

    If you have more specific questions about the process, you may ask in that thread or here.

    How to make our ideas worthy?
    The question is very generic. Ideas are ideas and people are full of them. What really matters is what people do with those ideas; and that is 'execution'. Most of the greatest ideas will die because they aren't worked on.

    Ideasl themselves are worthless; because they aren't useful to anyone. But they can be a great start! So start working on your idea to bring it to reality - and that will make your idea worthy of something.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 16, 2013

    Few more threads on CE that you can refer:

    <a href="">Indian Patent Application Search Online Database</a>

    <a href="">How to apply for a Patent in India?</a>
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