  • aady_007

    MemberAug 6, 2014

    Solar Project Idea

    I want to make my final year solar project guys do u have any idea regarding it .....any devices related ...................plz i urgently need it
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberAug 6, 2014

    Every year about 1 million women die of carbon monoxide poisoning in rural India because of cooking inside one room huts with open chulas. Many infants also are affected. What is needed is a low cost off grid solar powered power source that can drive a medium power (~ 1KW) induction heater.

    The problem is that if batteries are used to store power, cost and maintenance issues crop up. While the induction cooker is a no brainer, the power pack (panel + inverter) does require some intelligent design. At least 4 sq. meters area of panel may be needed The inverter itself may have to be designed to handle variable out put from the panel and yet give a reasonably stable AC out put.

    (Incidentally this is an actual project suggested by the University of California, Berkeley, USA. Has not been done yet.)
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  • a.alandkar

    MemberAug 7, 2014

    Hello Mate, as Mr. Ramani suggested you can go with a solar inverter, actually the solar inveter project will become a big project so you can go only for battery charger.
    2. Second option is solar tracking system
    3. MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking).
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  • jeshukb09

    MemberAug 31, 2014

    Hi aady_007
    As suggested by Mr. A.V. Ramani. Solar inverter is a best idea. But the important factor is the cost for its implementation. If you think you can have some fund for developing the idea and implementing it in small level also. Then I can help you with the ideas and some mathematical calculations for the development of your project.
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  • Kalpesh Salodiya

    MemberSep 14, 2014

    hello sir, I also interested in solar system and i also made project on sun tracking solar panel using micro controller and i want to do something new in solar system...

    please give me any idea about how to do more work and new thing in solar system ?
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberSep 15, 2014

    I feel that for small systems it is better to use a passive tracking mechanism rather than any active device.
    Have a look here in case any idea is triggered:
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