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  • durga ch

    MemberAug 2, 2011

    There have been many thoughts or say creative ideas regarding 'smart' objects. Most innovative ones what I heard of and have potential of growth inclue a smart shopping trolley. can you imagine that ??? , the trolley is GPS controlled and as soon as you enter the object of interest in a super market the trolley directs you to that specific asile as well the trolley has an inbuild barcode reader and a price calculator 😀 which gives the consumer an idea of expenditure before he spends.
    Another 'smart' idea what I heard was - a smart home . The home switches the AC on, fridge on, opens the garage door when you are approaching ( or say near gate). As well it checks all the house doors and windows are locked properly . How cool is that 😀
    These were actually student presentations , of-course our group presentation was defense oriented and how efficient communication could be used in military networks 😀 but I was totally awestruck with smart trolley concept.
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