Simple Coffee shop billing systen (need help)

Hello ,
i need some help with my project "simple coffee shop billing system = counter billing system". the system should have the menu which is has 3 sub menus (hot drinks, cold drinks and snacks ) and eah item has 3 sizes with thier price (the price won'nt appear it stores inside the button of each size). so when the casher press the button of the product he wants it will already add it to the total (but how to enter the quantity should i put text field to enter quantity .?!).
here is what the system should do specifically:
1- Loge in (user and password)
2- Enter the customer order
3- Update the menu(just for administration) .
4- Modified the menu(just for administration).
5- Delete (just for administration)
6- Display Report the profit of each item at the end of the day
with diagram (chart or pie .. etc.)

7- Bills give to the customers.(receipt).
8- Recheck the receipts.

The Questions I have:
1- How many tables I need for my data base (using MS access) ?
I tried to figured it out so I ended up with one table (product information )
The attributes :
Product ID, Product Category,product Size, Product Price.
I don’t know if the customer want 2 cup of coffee (of the same item) how the system will calculate the price specially the price in the table is for one....!?

2- How can I display the daily statistc of revenue for each product, and should I use?

Finally, I really would appreciate if you answer my questions and help me with my project. I’ll try to draw the system screens to let you see how would the system look like.

my project depends on the analysis part more than the design part so i want to make my project as simple as i can , and please answer me as soon as possible.

programs used:
MS access + VB


  • buzzparas
    try searching any open source billing software, use your mind and coding to customize it according to your requirement.

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