  • guys i m really sick of these attendence rules for claases started by unversities...
    are you guys too.
    even at this stage when i m in college i have to go for atleast 75% attendence just to qualify for the exams. even i found my lech. boaring then also i hav no option left then to attend the lech. just sitting at the end and sleeping. not really always
    but i sleep only in those classes which i find boaring...

    also there is no concrete relationship between attendance and performance
    agree or not?
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  • Nima Ambhurkar

    MemberApr 15, 2010

    Yup! I agree with you. Even the lecturers nowadays don't teach properly.
    And most importantly, many of them lack basic teaching skills (and knowledge too).😡
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberApr 15, 2010

    My highest attendance in my college days was 54 % in first year. Other than that I never touched 50% in other 3 years... Used to enjoy bunking luctures 😁; however I made a record of attending 100% practicals in all the subjects in all 4 years.

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  • sookie

    MemberApr 15, 2010

    How nice it will be if someone would have told me you can attend a class any time when you need it or are in mood of studying or asking some doubts. They should never be forced on us by making mandatory 😐
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  • gohm

    MemberApr 15, 2010

    Though I wouldn't agree with mandatory attendance, I can't understand why you would not go? If you find it boring and do not want to attend, would it not be better to change majors or not attend college?
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  • Sahithi Pallavi

    MemberApr 16, 2010

    I always used to maintain 95%+ attendance always. The least percentage I had faced is 87%(this semester). Actually In my view, attendance and time sense are very important for people and they are must to follow. They shows your sincerity. I wont agree to the marks that came without attending the classes. I bet, definitely there is a difference between the good attendees and bad attendees.

    And there is a permission of attendance to the Ill candidates up to 60% I think and have to provide medical certificate.
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  • Pensu

    MemberApr 16, 2010

    guys i m really sick of these attendence rules for claases started by unversities...
    are you guys too.
    even at this stage when i m in college i have to go for atleast 75% attendence just to qualify for the exams. even i found my lech. boaring then also i hav no option left then to attend the lech. just sitting at the end and sleeping. not really always
    but i sleep only in those classes which i find boaring...

    also there is no concrete relationship between attendance and performance
    agree or not?
    Huh....u are sick with 75% in my college its 85%.Seriously its ridiculous.If you want to put a barrier then make it something like 60-65%,but 75 or 85% is really not acceptable....
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberApr 16, 2010

    For me it depends whether subject is interesting or not, i hate boring subjects like real time systems,computer architecture which has no practical only theory
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  • sbscetferozpur

    MemberApr 16, 2010

    guys theory subjects are really boaring..
    and i always feel sleepy during such lech....
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  • callyD

    MemberApr 18, 2010

    If students think they can pass the course without going to the class then why should they be forced to show up.
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  • 4M4N

    MemberDec 22, 2010

    no need of attendence in theory class
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  • narayana murthy

    MemberDec 23, 2010

    i think this maintaining of attendance is just for students sake just think if there is no mandatory attendance no one will come to classes and dont attend to lectures so they can lose basics and many important things
    keeping more attendance compulsion is also wrong 70 or 75% can be acceptable in my view as i maintain 80% in my sem so i agree with the college rules
    and our college management also consider the student problems and assign leaves according to there problems
    for example
    if any one met accident and got 3 months rest they must accept the mc and they should allow him/her to allow the exams
    and shouldnt detain the people for such reasons
    and i also know a college where my friend is studying they are cutting 15% of attendance just for the money and they are saying this was made just for a reason and they answering the reason
    this type of mantallity and rules are wrong
    this is my view friends correct me if i done anything wrong or if i hurt your feelings
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  • sam_from_hell

    MemberDec 23, 2010

    If students think they can pass the course without going to the class then why should they be forced to show up.
    Interesting point. I totally agree.
    I got full marks (50/50) for my Computer Concepts and Programming subject.
    I had attended 5 classes out of 67.
    I was asked to bring my parents, can u believe that?
    I am very good at that subject and the lecturer(shes calls herself that) couldn't answer my doubts in the first class itself!
    I told my HOD that in front of the lecturer 😁!!
    i suck at maths, and i try to attend every class..

    My point being that 'Mandatory attendance' should only be imposed on people with unsatisfactory marks.
    If you're not interested in attending the damn class, how will u listen to the lecture?? You'll just end up chatting(or doodling in my case) for the whole lecture!
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  • krishnabansal07

    MemberDec 25, 2010

    no...class attendence should not be mnadatory....they sholud matters should me knowledge and marks..!!
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  • Abhishek.Tony

    MemberFeb 1, 2011

    My university has laid down new rules...
    Monthly Attendance Report!!!
    The Vice Chancellor himself takes care of the defaulters..
    Man.. This is tough going for the students who lazily take the 1st half of the semester and rush to classes at the end to compensate for their attendance shortage..
    Well subjects not mattering for higher studies or for jobs should not be considered for mandatory Engineering Mechanics for Electronics students.
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    MemberFeb 2, 2011

    It should not be binding though.It is student's responsibility 😀
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  • Neema Ambhurkar

    MemberFeb 2, 2011

    If attendance is not made compulsory, there would just empty desks and benches in the classrooms. I agree to the fact that today just a few lectures are worth attending due to the bad quality teaching or whatever, but for students who don't even open their books before the exams, these lectures at least make them acquainted with the syllabus and everything.

    I too bunk classes but I see to it that my attendance is always above the required percentage.
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  • freak16

    MemberFeb 7, 2011

    I never attend the class for attendance but for knowledge .. so there should be no attendance mandatory for sitting in exams as in who are intereted they will must come and those donot they have proxies..
    Proxies are sometime damn easy for the absconers..
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  • sau

    MemberFeb 18, 2011

    in there 6 semesters, i have not seen my attendance ever above 60%.....attendance should not be mandatory i think...not at all
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  • shubhankar

    MemberFeb 25, 2011

    no. it should be the students choice. if a student is not understanding what the professor is teaching. it is better he does not come and studies on his own. but yes then he needs to prove it in exam..
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