  • With Valentine's day just around the corner, Romantimatic is a great app for your iOS running phone or tablet that will remind you to send texts to your loved ones every once in a while. There are countless apps on Android and iOS platforms that help you keep track of your health and workouts or sending you reminders to do stuff. Now, we live in the time and age where communicating with each other is easier than ever before. With this, the demands of keeping in touch with others not only important but compulsive too. Your loved ones need to be told how much you love them. And with our exceedingly busy lives, we have become forgetful of that. Here's whet the app called Romantimatic comes in picture.

    The app reminds you through the day to send send a simple “I love you” to the most important person in your lives. The app has options to choose from. Simple texts such as "I miss you" or "You make me happy." can be sent just with a few clicks. There are some more context based such as - "Heading into a meeting, but wanted to tell I'm thinking about you" or "Totally swamped but can't get you off my mind." You can set frequency of the reminders such as "twice a day" or "once a week" and even in hours. If you think those messages are getting repetitive, you can use the app for just setting the reminders and you can type out your own personalized message. If not, the app also has a section that separates your auto-texts into Rarest and Freshest. And yes, the app does feature - push notifications!

    Screen Shot 2014-02-10 at 9.48.25 AM

    The app is developed by Greg Knauss, a web and software developer, who has been married for 18 years. He got the idea to develop this app after he realized that he sometimes forgets to tell his wife that he loves her. You can download the app from iTunes #-Link-Snipped-# at a cost of $1.99. Sadly, there's no Android version of the app yet, but we can expect that to follow soon too.

    If you think that your partner doesn't need to be told that they are loved, listen to the song from Bryan Adams that goes -
    "When you love a woman, You tell her that she's really wanted.
    When you love a woman, you tell her that she's the one."

    Happy Valentine's Day to you all in advance. Make sure you tell your loves ones that you are lucky to have them in your life. If you do or don't download the app, let us know what you're thinking in comments below.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 9, 2014

    @#-Link-Snipped-# What are your thoughts on this?
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 9, 2014

    I just googled up and found Mr. Greg Knauss's official blog. He is a famous American Internet humorist and computer programmer.
    Here's his write up about the Romantimatic app -
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">An Entirely Other Day: Romantimatic and the Love Lost</a>
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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberFeb 9, 2014

    Ankita Katdare
    @#-Link-Snipped-# What are your thoughts on this?
    I just think this guy is a genius. He's found something that would solve the problems faced by most of the 'hard-working' men to keep their spouses satisfied each day.

    P.S.: Mostly applicable for younger/just married couples without children I guess. 😛
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  • Karishma Manwani

    MemberFeb 10, 2014

    Wonderful App 😀
    This is really going to keep women happy 😁
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  • Satya Swaroop Dash

    MemberFeb 10, 2014

    Taking a cue from this idea some sneaky developer is going to develop an app that sends these messages without any manual input 😉 and that will somehow manage to out sell the Romantimatic App.
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