Member • Aug 8, 2013
Restore mkdir
Not able to create any new directory, right, but how to restore it back in /bin?
Is there any way?
I reinstalled ubuntu, but there should be some command to restore it back.
Member • Aug 8, 2013
Member • Aug 8, 2013
Member • Aug 8, 2013
See we use mkdir command to create a new directory right and rmdir command for removing the directory.I removed the mkdir command itself from /bin, then how to get it back over there so i can create new directories which was not possible for me after removing the mkdir command i had reinstalled ubuntu back, any way to restore commands back?Abhishek RawalI don't understand.
Can you please, describe it briefly ?
Member • Aug 8, 2013
Member • Aug 8, 2013
Member • Aug 8, 2013
yes i did it for learning purpose if accidentally required files or directories get removed , so how get them back.Abhishek Rawal#-Link-Snipped-# LOL. Nice one 😁
Just get mkdir lib file from your friend's ubuntu OS & push it to /bin, then reboot.
However, if none of your friends uses Ubuntu, you have to re-install the OS to get it back.
It's always better to back-up file with which you're messing with. You're glad you didn't played with Kernel, you might've ended with Kernel panic.
Anyways, tweaking is fun.
Don't stop,keep exploring 👍
Member • Aug 8, 2013
I will look for it thanksNayan Goenkadid you try to reinstall the module?
You can surf on linux forum for the package. You can try by updating the repositories. try yum installer or rpm. I m not much into linux but these are easy steps you can take