  • pras_89

    MemberDec 9, 2007


    I am doing my 4th sem,can someone reccomend me a good coaching centr in Chennai and some good books for CAT
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberDec 10, 2007

    Try IMS, their material is pretty exhaustive ... also checkout TIME.

    As for good books, ET and TOI on a regular reading should do. By the time you reach 7th sem, your vocab should be pretty decent.

    Also, a sincere suggestion, going to coaching classes is for people who want someone else to coax/cajole/push them into doing things that they want to do. If you want to give the CAT, then its better that you find that internal motivation into putting more than 100% into it. But, do not neglect your engineering studies as well ;-)

    Cheers and all the best!
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  • rhlaggarwal

    MemberMar 15, 2008

    Ya quite rightly replied...CAT is not about preparation exactly..its about how efficient and fast you are in your quickly you can respond and understand the nuances of any subject newspapers and reading apart from puzzle solving might help
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  • vipulb

    MemberMar 16, 2008

    Hey guys i am vipul I am intrested for doing MBA in any foreign universities like in florida or oxford...can u please guide me
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  • friendster7

    MemberMar 16, 2008

    TIME is one of the best coaching center in India for CAT exams do try it
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  • galaxy23

    MemberMar 21, 2008

    Hi Guys,

    Mock test have huge benefits, if you are prepraing for any entrance exams
    and want to test your preparation then you can do this easily by mock test.
    We have the updated sample test paper for the entrance test of CAT exam.

    Check demo test online and grab other benefits also at #-Link-Snipped-#this will help you to analyze your preparation where you are lacking.

    Best of Luck
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