  • I've been following the drama that's unfolding at Yesterday, Rahul Yadav resigned from the position of CEO, Chairman and Board seat stating that he does not want to waste the rest of his life with guys who are intellectually incapable of having any sensible discussion.

    ...and today, the update is that Yadav has blinked and withdrawn his registration stating that after 'frank and healthy' discussion with the board members, he's apologising.

    I'm wondering what do the our fellow CEans think about the entire Rahul Yadav saga at

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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberMay 5, 2015

    I think a publicity stunt, I was not aware of, but yesterday I opened their website for first time.
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberMay 5, 2015

    Funny how the CEO can resign with a 7 day notice period. It's kind of naive to think that a CEO who owns 4.5% of a funded firm can even think of such things 😀
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