Power Loader Exoskeleton Robot Makes You More Powerful, Without Workouts!

Engineers working at Panasonic's subsidiary venture ActiveLink have developed a robotic exoskeleton that accepts force input from humans and then makes it more powerful with some advanced hydraulics and electric motors. The earlier plan was to make a very big machine, but after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster, engineers decided to make a smaller version.

[caption id="attachment_45159" align="aligncenter" width="640"][​IMG] Lift It Like PowerLoader[/caption]

Engineers say that Power Loader robot can lift about 30 kgs with just one arm, when you 'signal it'. The plan now is to make a robot that can lift about 100 kgs. Check out this video offered by ActiveLink that shows PowerLoader in action -

Via: #-Link-Snipped-#


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