  • Hi Guys.

    I am Sudheer,a mechanical engineer and I am in 7 th semister now. I want to write GATE-2010 exam and i had written it in 2009 (got 89 percentile).

    from gate 2009 onwards they are not gonna admit students who has not completed their B.Tech yet, so I casually attempted the exam and wooh.! I got some rank...😁

    Now I think, if I can prepare seriously for it, I can even get a better rank, so please suggest me some of the important books for preparing for GATE.

    Specifically I need books for Thermal Engineering, Material Science and Operational Research which contain more exercise problems to do!

    I myself got some good books which got concepts, but i need books for practicing problems.

    Thanks in Advance..!
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  • satish47

    MemberAug 4, 2009

    Could u plz specify the books from which u learnt The concepts????????
    It would help me a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • nany_mech

    MemberAug 5, 2009

    hai there Satish.

    are you gonna attend GATE exam. Well then i'll tell u text books I referred so far:

    Enginnering Thermodynamics: PK Nag

    IC Engine: ML Mathur and RP Sharma

    Gas Turbine and Propulsive Systems: PR Khajuria & SP Dubey

    Fluid Mechanics: Modi & Seth, RK Bansal

    Compressible Flow: SM Yahya

    Heat and Mass Transfer: JP Hollman, RC Sachdeva

    Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: CP Arora, Domkundwar

    Fluid Machinery: Jagdish Lal, RK Bansal

    Theory of Machines: RS Khurmi, Malik & Ghosh

    Mechanical Vibration: Grover

    Machine Design: Shigley, VB Bhandari

    Material Science: WD Callister, IP Singh

    Production Engineering: Kalpkjian Schmid, Amitabh Ghosh & AK Malik

    Industrial Engineering: O P Khanna, Buffa & Sarin

    Operations Research: Kanti Swarup

    Strength of Materials: Gere & Timoshenko, BC unamia, Sadhu Singh
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  • Gaya3 S

    MemberSep 7, 2009

    hey likewise anybody can u suggest books fa electrical engg (gate)
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  • arjunoids

    MemberSep 7, 2009

    hey, i bought a book called GATE 2010-MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
    By G. K. Publishers.
    its a quite big book. MRP Rs. 640. (i got it for 10% discount)
    it has even got one online test. so, after studying it fully, you can write their test and check your performance.
    and one more thing thanks for the list of books.
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  • arjunoids

    MemberSep 7, 2009

    Gaya3 S
    hey likewise anybody can u suggest books fa electrical engg (gate)
    By G. K. Publishers.
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  • Gaya3 S

    MemberSep 7, 2009

    is that 1 book enough meaning does it cover the entire syllabus?
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  • arjunoids

    MemberSep 7, 2009

    almost all.
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  • adas2118

    MemberJul 2, 2010

    are those gk publication books good???
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  • arjunoids

    MemberAug 10, 2010

    yes. it is.
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  • prem356

    MemberOct 6, 2010

    are those gk publication books good???
    I think, prefer GATE MADE EASY:sshhh:.
    This has got less or no error.
    But G. K. Publisher books have few mistakes, nevertheless, its good too.
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberOct 7, 2010


    This link has the list of all the books for all the branches!!

    For Electrical it covered very good books.
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  • achinkhurana

    MemberApr 4, 2011

    for GATE Electrical the best book is
    GATE Electrical by RK Kanodia. you can download this book from internet.
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  • Dhaval Rao

    MemberDec 5, 2011

    #-Link-Snipped-# this blog is not opening.It allows only to invited persons.......

    Anyone plz give link 4 GATE Electrical

    Anyone can give me IEEE papers on "magnetic inrush current in transformer"?????
    plz reply to me fast .............
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 5, 2011

    Dhaval Rao
    #-Link-Snipped-# this blog is not opening.It allows only to invited persons.......

    Anyone plz give link 4 GATE Electrical

    Anyone can give me IEEE papers on "magnetic inrush current in transformer"?????
    plz reply to me fast .............
    I think if you have IEEE membership; you can easily have access to those papers. Right?
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    MemberDec 5, 2011

    But G. K. Publisher books have few mistakes, nevertheless, its good too.
    GK publisher is full of errors. At least the copy I posses is only good for referring questions.
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  • N.Gowtham Raj

    MemberDec 21, 2011

    Hi Guys.

    I am Sudheer,a mechanical engineer and I am in 7 th semister now. I want to write GATE-2010 exam and i had written it in 2009 (got 89 percentile).

    from gate 2009 onwards they are not gonna admit students who has not completed their B.Tech yet, so I casually attempted the exam and wooh.! I got some rank...😁

    Now I think, if I can prepare seriously for it, I can even get a better rank, so please suggest me some of the important books for preparing for GATE.

    Specifically I need books for Thermal Engineering, Material Science and Operational Research which contain more exercise problems to do!

    I myself got some good books which got concepts, but i need books for practicing problems.

    Thanks in Advance..!
    Go for Younus Cengel in case of thermal & hmt..
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  • jigarmech

    MemberDec 25, 2011

    GK publisher is full of errors. At least the copy I posses is only good for referring questions.

    so which one is best dude?
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    MemberDec 25, 2011

    No one is best. I think we should practice from books by various authors. The question papers can be seen from various tutorial classes. Even CEan AbraKaDabra has posted some question papers in GATE section. Moreover even the question paper after GK publications are good.
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