Ouya Garners Huge Support On Kickstarter, Races Past $2 Million Mark

Ouya, the Android based gaming console startup which was launched yesterday on Kickstarter to gather funds, has already achieved its target of $950,000 within 8 hours of the first day. And it doesn't end there, continued backing from the gaming public doubled its value to $2 Million within the next few hours.



The $99 system console aims to revolutionize TV gaming with a developer-friendly console and free-to-play content.  The systems boasts of Tegra 3 quad-core processor, 1GB RAM, 8GB of internal flash storage, HDMI, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n , Bluetooth LE 4.0, USB 2.0 (one), a wireless controller with standard controls (two analog sticks, d-pad, eight action buttons, a system button) and a touchpad. Though, the system is built on Android, it will have an independent marketplace, with most content free for users to play, though developers can choose to monetize their games.

Kickstarter has confirmed that, with the $2 Million accomplishment, Ouya has broken all first day records and is the eighth project ever to cross the million dollar mark. With 28 more days to go for its campaign and such a huge response, the overwhelmed Ouya's creators expressed their gratitude by letting the users decide their "stretch goals" and are now open to suggestions at ideas@ouya.tv. 

The current #-Link-Snipped-# stand at 21,643 Backers with $2,719,718 already pledged.

Source: #-Link-Snipped-# Image Credit: #-Link-Snipped-#


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