  • joseph siomn
    joseph siomn

    MemberMar 14, 2017


    i study about osi model layer from top layer to lower layer and vers i hope i understood it well but i get some of confusion on the application layer.
    Some source say it's provides an interface for the end user operating a device connected to a network...!

    And i come across the a question about it and fail to answer it with confidence." an outlook on osi model it's in which layer" (a) application (b) session (c) presentation (d) none of the above
    and why?
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  • rahul69

    MemberApr 22, 2017

    joseph siomn
    ... a question about it and fail to answer it with confidence." an outlook on osi model it's in which layer" (a) application (b) session (c) presentation (d) none of the above
    and why?
    Assuming u are talking about MS Outlook, the UI you see is at the application layer. The OSI model tells about the functions done at each layer, based on that function you can understand, ie an application which is doing encryption and session mantainance will be working on all three layers.

    There may be an application which has all custom protocols and send data through wire in the form of signals and it will be using all the 7 layers.

    The OSI model helps to understand how communication system is partitioned into abstraction layers, if u want to analyze an application, u can do the same based on what the application is doing itself and which functionality it is taking from the underlying (eg OS).
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