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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 7, 2009

    zeeshan badshah
    it can be used as
    (1) inverting amplifier
    (2) non inverting amplifier
    (3) comparator.......

    to seek help contact me...........😕😕😕
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  • satyajit2009

    MemberSep 7, 2009

    opamp has high i/p impedance.........and has a open loop gain as unity i.e. AB=1
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  • electronspeed

    MemberSep 8, 2009

    i m looking for making a multiplier using opamps. using them as log & antilog ckt this can be achieved,but it includes some intrinsic factors.

    can you tell me the design for the same(design for a multiplier).
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