  • simple

    MemberMay 11, 2008

    Operating system concepts

    what is difference between threads and child processes and light weight processes?

    p.s. i have referred to two books by tanenbaum and i have found contradictory answers. thats why i am asking here!!
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberMay 11, 2008

    Could you also write the answers you saw in the other two books? That would be nice to refer here and correct which ever is wrong or explain both. 😀
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  • djnachi

    MemberMay 13, 2008

    Hi Simple,

    Your query will be surely solved by the following books:

    1.Operating Systems Concepts - Silberschatz Galvin
    2.Operating Systems - Achyut S. Godbole

    Dj Nachi.😛
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  • freakinengg

    MemberMay 30, 2008

    Cmn Man...
    Its Simple...
    Threads Re Defined As Lightweight Processes...
    Nway Refer Gd Books..
    Try Pearson Edition Books..
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  • simple

    MemberMay 31, 2008

    Its not that simple....

    Kernel-supported threads fall into two classes.
    • In a "pure" kernel-supported system, the kernel is responsible for scheduling all threads.
    • Systems in which the kernel cooperates with a user-level library to do scheduling are known as two-level, or hybrid, systems. Typically, the kernel schedules LWPs, and the user-level library schedules threads onto LWPs.
    This is why i was confused....
    thanks anyways!! c ya!!
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    MemberJun 7, 2008

    hey every body-i am going to interfacing a single led through parallel port .can any one tell me how it interface....
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberJun 7, 2008

    Ahad Khan, search our forums and google, we have a good tutorial here.
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    MemberJun 7, 2008

    thanx xheavenlyx,but i could not find the functioning of operating system in interfacing- moreover why we prefer windows-98 in interfacing.In window-xp we can not access parallel port directly, if so then why... i need perfect help!
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    MemberJun 7, 2008

    plz xheavenlyx,i am waiting ...reply please!
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