  • Hi, friends!! I am preparing a obstacle avoiding robot, and for ease i have named it Intelligent Wanderer, cause it wanders around the place avoiding the obstacles in its path.

    In this thread I am attaching two word documents:
    1. Project abstract. (submitted in the college)
    2. Its the algorithm which I prepared and like which I want my robot to work.

    Now, the problem is I am very poor in programming part and thus I know very less about microntrollers and how to program them.

    Next, I also want some help in designing the circuit of this particular project.

    My last doubt is that I wanted to install a video recording camera on the robot and wanted to record everything captured by it in a particular memory card or some other memory system.
    How can i achieve it?
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  • adinickluv

    MemberMar 16, 2011

    hmmm... that's sad, no one on CE has a solution!!!
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  • silverscorpion

    MemberMar 16, 2011

    Well, what have you got till now? If you have any circuit diagram or schematic, post it here.. If you have any doubt in the circuit or if something is not working, then we can look into it and help you..

    First, split the project into smaller portions.. First complete the sensor part.. calibrate it and make it ready. Next, maybe you can do the motor interfacing..
    Finally, you can do the micro controller part and interface all the sub parts together.. Programming a microcontroller is really nothing more than a few if else cases.. So it really shouldn't be a problem..

    So, get going.. And all the best.. 😀
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  • adinickluv

    MemberMar 16, 2011

    @silverscopion: Hey thanks for the advice ill soon update this content with a circuit diagram; and to get some further replies!
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  • nitin.rawat

    MemberMar 20, 2011

    aaah....dats seriously not a big must have made a line follower robo before using a microcontroler.its just as simple as that.attach a ir sender and reciever and set the frequency to about 38khz.and 2 sensors at angles of 45 degree of the first sensor and make sure to set different frequencies on them.this is to make sure that if ur robo is avoiding the obstacles in front it is also avoiding the obstacles on left and right.
    if you are not that much in microcontroler then just use a cmos and gate ic and conect one input to vcc and other to ir reciever.and connect the output to a motor driving card or relay whatever you are using to control your far as camera is considered you yould have to do a lot of work on it.
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  • adinickluv

    MemberMar 20, 2011

    aaah....dats seriously not a big must have made a line follower robo before using a microcontroler.its just as simple as that.attach a ir sender and reciever and set the frequency to about 38khz.and 2 sensors at angles of 45 degree of the first sensor and make sure to set different frequencies on them.this is to make sure that if ur robo is avoiding the obstacles in front it is also avoiding the obstacles on left and right.
    if you are not that much in microcontroler then just use a cmos and gate ic and conect one input to vcc and other to ir reciever.and connect the output to a motor driving card or relay whatever you are using to control your far as camera is considered you yould have to do a lot of work on it.
    Thanks a lot Rookie for that.. That really might be a great help for me!!!
    Ill check on what you have advised!!
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  • adinickluv

    MemberMar 27, 2011


    Hi all,
    Here as silverscorpion suggested I have divided my project into modules and and now I have completed major portion of the project. Again I am hung up in the programming part.

    As requested, I am attaching the circuit diagram of my project and need to program the PIC 16F877A accordingly.

    • Can any one help me suggesting program in C language for this particular application?
    • I am stressing on Microcontroller because I want learn using it and C language cause I have a basic idea of it.
    Please reply soon!!!!
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  • adinickluv

    MemberMar 29, 2011

    Source program:
    #include <mega16.h>
    void main(void)
    unsigned int k, h;
    while (1)
    k =~PINA;
    h=k & 0x0F;
    switch (h)
    case 0x02: //if I/P is 0x02
    PORTD=0x89;//O/P 0x89 ie Forward
    case 0x08: //if I/P is 0x08
    PORTD=0x86; //O/P 0x86 ie Backward
    case 0x04:
    PORTD=0x85; // Left turn
    case 0x06:
    PORTD=0x8A; // Right turn
    case 0x05:
    PORTD=0x00; // Stop

    After a prolong search i have found a C program for Mobile operated Robot... Now what I want is that can anany one modify this program to fit to my project...
    Guys please I need some solution!!
    I am expecting some CEan to be skilled enough to sought out this!!!
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  • adinickluv

    MemberApr 11, 2011

    Wow!! That's really astonishing!!! No one in CE could sought out this!!
    Anyways thanks for you time and patience... If still any one has some suggestions to make.. Please Ill look forward for it..
    Ill be following up this thread till I get some solution!
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  • H.Ali

    MemberOct 14, 2011

    hii ...
    what is the current condition of your ROBO dude...??
    is he Ready??
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  • oksbwn

    MemberNov 9, 2011

    Have u completed or i can help u...
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