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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberJul 4, 2013

    hello..what microwave equipment is good to research with..??
    I hope you can help me again..thank you CE..
    Please post the query in depth, With title name & the content, we can't really understand the problem.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 4, 2013

    What type of research do you want to conduct? Some additional information would definitely help us understand your question and offer help.
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberJul 4, 2013

    Microwave transmission in some media like liquid is worth a research

    Before everything you do a research on what wave constitute micro wave That list it self is very long
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJul 4, 2013

    Microwave ovens to cook food? That area has been lacking in innovation. No joke!
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  • yuuki

    MemberJul 7, 2013

    we were instructed to research any microwave equipment that is usually used for indoors only...and if we have to get the frequency allocation of that device...hmm.that's all I know...our subject is COMMUNICATION 4..about microwave transmission...thank you for all your replies😀)
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJul 8, 2013

    we were instructed to research any microwave equipment that is usually used for indoors only...and if we have to get the frequency allocation of that device...hmm.that's all I know...our subject is COMMUNICATION 4..about microwave transmission...thank you for all your replies😀)
    Good, more info 😛

    Well, the microwave communication band is typically from 1 GHz - 30 GHz (for common applications).

    For indoor use, we typically use:
    WiFi: 2.4 & 5 GHz. Future use of 60 GHz being considered.
    Bluetooth: 2.4 GHz
    Cordless phones: 900 MHz, 1.9 GHz, 2.4 GHz & 5.8 GHz
    ZigBee: 868 MHz, 915 MHz & 2.4 GHz

    Which country are you based in? Each country has their own set of frequency allocation rules when it comes to which band can be used for what. Some bands are unlicensed (such as the 2.4 GHz band for Wifi), while others require licences to use (e.g 2.1 GHz for 3G).
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