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    MemberJul 31, 2008

    Can you please clarify your query?
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  • amanbit

    MemberJul 31, 2008

    Well I always dreamt of going for mechanical :smile: and doing research in robotics but such projects seem possible only in IITs but I didn't qualified JEE so doing EEE from BIT
    However in which year r u ? diff. years have diff. projects
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  • vaitheeswaran

    MemberAug 6, 2008

    I wuld like 2 suggest to choose a practical problem in any of ur engineering aspects or in ur munday things.Think abt ur opinion for that problem,so that it 'll get developed to form as ur project.
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  • vaitheeswaran

    MemberAug 6, 2008

    hi, could u plz help me in using a sensor for the car that I can use it in my project... reply plzzzzz.
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