LHC Sees Signs Of Higgs Boson, The God Particle!

The Higgs Boson particle that's the cement and water of many theories, may actually exist, as hinted by the result of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) yesterday. Hyped as The God Particle, the two detectors of LHC, namely ATLAS and CMS reported the existence of what might be a lightweight Higgs.

The Higgs Boson is predicted to exist by the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics which was proposed in 1960 and till date remains the only particle that hasn't yet been observed in experiments. It explains why other particles have mass and one particle suffers more resistance than the other through the theory of Higgs field. The catch here is that the Standard Model does not specify how much a Higgs particle would itself weigh. Physicists over the years have been speculating the approximate mass that a Higgs particle would possess. This range has been narrowed down to something between 115 and 141 GeV.



For the LHC experiments carried out, The ATLAS detector limits the Higgs to within 115 and 131 GeV while CMS rejects a Higgs heavier than 127 GeV. The experiment yielded in a surprising result with ATLAS spotting a hint of the Higgs at 126 GeV while CMS caught one at 124 GeV. This is the first time that both detectors have observed almost the same mass, though the data is not sufficient to declare it as a discovery.

This mass has also paved the way for the theory of SuperSymmetry. A derivation of particle physics, SuperSymmetry relates lightweight elementary particles to heavy counterparts of the same particle. Though, the SuperSymmetry theory hasn't been proven yet as the superpartners of the Standard Model haven't been found, it does solve a lot of flaws of the Standard Model.

A breakthrough has indeed been found but what becomes of it is yet as much a mystery.

Source: #-Link-Snipped-# Image Credit: #-Link-Snipped-#


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