  • hello friends,
    here i am introducing a new thread about high voltages and high currents
    i am not familiar about it much because those are not used in general purpose.
    as my faculty of high voltage engineering said it is mainly used in testing purpose
    i update more information during discussions
    main topics i deal here is
    1.generation of high voltages both a.c and d.c and high currents
    2.measuring of high voltages and high currents
    3.ofcourse there impact on normal use
    any one interested extend this discussion by your valuable posts
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  • saketsingh

    MemberAug 5, 2011

    hey there
    i agree with ur faculty high voltages are use for the testing purpose but high voltage of 440,220 kv are use for the transmission overhead lines because it has less transmission losses (voltage is inversly proportional to the transmission losses) but high current is used for the insulation testing of the equipments, eddy current losses of transformers in intial stages...
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  • narayana murthy

    MemberAug 5, 2011

    hey there
    i agree with ur faculty high voltages are use for the testing purpose but high voltage of 440,220 kv are use for the transmission overhead lines because it has less transmission losses (voltage is inversly proportional to the transmission losses) but high current is used for the insulation testing of the equipments, eddy current losses of transformers in intial stages...
    i know that but this thread is for discussion of the topics
    as we are also given many threads like this tomorrow i will give how we generate high d.c voltages in this thread
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberAug 5, 2011

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