  • Greed is bad and that was demonstrated that greed is bad, and also, don't listen to your heart. Your 'Brain' gives you the right answer.

    In the KBC Episode telecasted on 09 November 2010; Prashant Batar paved his way to Rs. 1 crore (Rs. 1,00,00,000) and then went for the question to win 5 Crore. While everyone was advising him to quit, he decided to follow his heart and played the game.

    He used is only lifeline left (Double flip: Can guess two answers) and ultimately chose the wrong answer.

    This proves beyond doubt that Greed Is Bad!
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  • djnachi

    MemberNov 9, 2010

    Greed is a sense of notion followed by the brain not by the heart. If Prashant followed his heart to answer that 5 Cr. question then its probably his gutt feeling that made him do so. He participated empty handed. Left with a handsome amount though. I'd say he was a brave heart. Life's a game., most of us tend to play it safe, very few take chances and move to the next level or may even fall. But what counts according to me is the attempt to climb up inspite of the risk. Bravo!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 9, 2010

    Yes, it was his gut feeling that made him do so. But that gut feeling was more powered by the greed of winning more and being a TV hero. When he did not know the answer; the wisest thing he should have done is quit the game and go home with his Rs. 1 crore. However, he gambled! It's not about playing safe, it's called playing with common sense!

    I remember in Richard Branson's "The Rebel Billionaire", Branson did something similar with the winner of the show. After declaring the winner of the show; he presented a closed box to the winnner. He said to the contestant, "The box can contain anything. It could have millions of dollars or anything you ever wished for. It may even contain nothing. However, if you choose the box, you'll have to let go of everything you've won so far."

    The winner thought for a while and said, he'd keep his prize money and reject the box. Branson hugged him and offered him the box anyway. It had a huge corporate deal for the winners' own company that would make him few more millions.

    That's taking calculated risk! You can't put everything you've at stake for something you aren't very sure of.

    PS: Welcome back to CE. It's long long time! 😀
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorNov 9, 2010

    I agree with Biggie. He did not take calculated risk.
    I felt sorry for Prashant. He seemed like a really intelligent guy.
    He should have at least listened to his Dad who told him to quit if he was not sure.

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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberNov 9, 2010

    This is bad!

    But finally how much did he take home?

    Is it 3.2 L or 25??
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorNov 9, 2010

    @ES: Just 3.2 Lacs. 😔
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberNov 10, 2010

    I am happy, atleast he showed the courgae to go for the penultimate.

    He took his chances, he thought of option A for the moment however got confused and locked for option B, and lost. Feeling bad for him, but must say, well played.

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