  • Wipro has decided to install Wi-Fi modules on their staff buses so that the staff can spend the unprotecting commuting times in buses doing something productive. The idea is that employees spend lot of time commuting in the buses and this time is mostly unproductive. Wipro's wifi service in their staff buses will give employees a chance to work in the bus instead of playing games on mobiles or just sleeping.

    I'm curious to know how do our fellow engineers see this move by Wipro. Note that the Wifi service is likely to be secured and with all the regular website blocking features (meaning Facebook and Twitter won't be allowed).

    I'm sure there are several CEans who spend lot of time traveling to their workplaces. Curious to hear everyone's opinion .
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  • Vikram S Bargah

    MemberMar 8, 2014

    If that's the case then they should also install I-card / Bio-metric Reader on the Bus Door too. 😉

    When they are planning to use the said time in fruitful work. then they should also include it in their total working hours.
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  • Raj A

    MemberMar 8, 2014

    It's very interesting. Nice move by Wipro. We daily spend 3.5 hrs in travelling to and from workplace. I guess, I will suggest this kind of system to our Management also. Employees only sleep during travel time. This non-productive time may be converted into productive time. Great!!! Many companies will follow the lead, I believe.
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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberMar 9, 2014

    Vikram S Bargah
    If that's the case then they should also install I-card / Bio-metric Reader on the Bus Door too. 😉

    When they are planning to use the said time in fruitful work. then they should also include it in their total working hours.
    Yeah, save a few buildings and buy more buses. Travelling office concept.

    P.S.: Talk about getting stoned before your actual working hours itself!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 9, 2014

    @#-Link-Snipped-# - I think it'd simply be awesome if Wipro counts all those commute hours into total office hours.
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberMar 9, 2014

    In UK/US the commute time is also included in office hours. Whether it is from your personal vehicle or company bus, working in bus or not, doesn't matter.

    If Wipro adding commute time in office hours then very welcome move other wise it sucks and people use it for browsing internet only.
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  • Anand Tamariya

    MemberMar 9, 2014

    Measuring output by number of hours, atleast in IT field, doesn't make sense. Including or excluding the commute time is further irrelevant.

    Wifi in bus is a good concept. I anyways use 3G to check mails during commute time.
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  • Vikram S Bargah

    MemberMar 9, 2014

    As far as productivity is concerned I doubt that it'll be helpful because one cannot accomplish core IT function like coding, web services or testing as they need to access web servers,database servers & other repositories which won't be available on bus.They can only respond to urgent official mails & stuffs like that. Working while travelling on Indian PIT HOLED Roads would be a troublesome.
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