Image Capturing Walking Stick "Trailview 2.0" By Google, Finally Acquires Patent.

Trailview 2.0 is a walking stick developed by Google with cameras & location sensors that are embedded inside the stick.

Whenever, stick touches the ground, the Camera that is embedded in the walking stick snaps the picture.

The patent for walking stick Trailview 2.0 was granted on 18th June 2013 based on submission for patent on September 2011.​
It's still not confirmed that whether Google is planning to develop Trailview2.0 & implement this new awesome project.​
I don't support Copyrights at all, but I do back the patents as inventing a hardware from scratch is just uber awesome.​

Source : 'TrailView' 2.0? Google patents image-capturing walking stick – GeekWire


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