  • no_atkt

    MemberMay 31, 2007

    if no iit

    well one of my fenz was trying for iit and un-fortunately faild to make the cut now he is waiting for the cet results he wants to pursue computer science in india .... could u guys list some courses and colleges in india and also if possible the admission procedure

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 4, 2007

    well one of my fenz was trying for iit and un-fortunately faild to make the cut now he is waiting for the cet results he wants to pursue computer science in india .... could u guys list some courses and colleges in india and also if possible the admission procedure

    If I am not mistaken, your friend wants to do four year course in Computer Science engineering. If true, there are numerous colleges in India which offer four year course in CS engineering. IEEE & CET are the exams that your friend will have to appear.

    BHU is ranked among the IITs. There are several NITs which are all set to gain the status of IITs in near future. Do let us know if your friend wants admission to college of a particular state. We may then ask our fellow CEans to list out the colleges from that state. 😀

    -The Big K-
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  • no_atkt

    MemberJun 4, 2007

    as of now he is waiting for the cet results ... lets see what comes out .... thats what i wanna know which colleges come next to iit as far as CS is concerned
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