  • In my company A new project came with the architecture like Web Application(HTML5 + Bootstramp + JQUERY + ANGULAR JS) + Enterprise application(Spring + Hibernate + WS).
    They are using Angular JS as a controller.

    What i want to know is how they are managing the session and Application Context ?

    I asked my TL that how they are managing session and context. And he said using HTML5 + AngularJS. Can anyone help me to understand how to manage session and context using HTML5 + Angular JS ?
    And is it secure to manage session and context by using these technique ?
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  • Ashish Bansal

    MemberJun 7, 2015

    You simply don't need to manage sessions at client side as they are stored in cookies and verified at server end via spring security that keeps track of the user being logged in along with various other properties such as roles.

    To manage context in angular js, this link can answer your question well
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