  • How frequently do you commit your code / documents to GIT? Also, do you use remote repositories? If yes, how frequently do you push to remote repositories? 

    In the recent times, I've developed a habit of pushing the code to remote repository after every minor update to the code. 

    What about you?

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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberFeb 17, 2019

    Git is preferred especially when you are working in a team and multiple developers are working on same project but along with this it also help you when you use some project tracking tool like jira with git where you log issues and then commit changes with issue # this help you to identify which file was modified for which issue

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  • Radhika Deshpande

    MemberFeb 17, 2019

    Frequent push to branch which is shared by all team members is not preferred. Rather push on private branch and then merge changes when needed.

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