  • I am a final year student and I want to select a project topic , I asked my senior they advised me to select a project related to the work I am interested in civil engineering so that it will be useful for job after graduation but Problem is that  I am not able to realise or say to my self which field work of civil I am interested .

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  • Radhika Deshpande

    MemberFeb 19, 2019

    This is so confusing. You need to give a deep thought and find out by yourself which field of civil you like the most. 

    Study your topics and then decide and come up with the idea.  This is to be done by you only no one can tell you what is your interest.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 19, 2019

    #-Link-Snipped-# - There are ways to find it out. First of all, talk to as many people you can about the different domains under civil engineering. That will give you an idea of what kind of work to expect in each.

    Once you are familiar with various types of works done under various Civil Engineering domain, you'll have to find out which one looks more interesting to you.

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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberFeb 20, 2019

    #-Link-Snipped-# , why did you choose to study civil engineering in the first place? Something in that field must have motivated you. Low cost housing, disaster mitigation housing, dams, bridges or whatever. As suggested by #-Link-Snipped-# introspect. How can anyone else tell you what interests you?

    I shall give one case in point.

    A girl (a relative) joined the civil engineering branch in IIT Madras in 1960. She completed the course quite well. Curiously enough she joined the mathematics department there itself as a staff and retired a professor of mathematics.

    So it is up to you after all.

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  • Cynthia Caron

    MemberMar 1, 2019

     Well I think you should just keep learning more about all the fields in civil engineering and whichever seems to be interesting to you go with that.

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  • Mohit Patil

    MemberMar 2, 2019

    I'd look at the subject in Civil engineering that I naturally find interesting. 

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