  • There goes a proverbial statement somewhat like this- 'Damn, if I'd just been born black, I would not have to go through all this'. This is what Google has been aiming through the last few days and has finally brought a solution to all the existing dilemmas. The search giant and social network contender has stripped off the horizontal black bar atop its pages to reveal a milky-fresh new hue for each of its web-based products. It is an aim in designing something new and refreshing at the power of the users making them feel the experience of using something really awesome!#-Link-Snipped-#

    The new Google bar occupies the same position as that of the previous logo and all other access methods have been kept intact. Some users are already using the new version and others are to be enabled for using the same just after some more days. With either a single or double clicks, the user will be able to navigate to the other parts of the applications almost very easily. Although some of the features have been completely abandoned, using a this design, efforts have been made to enable users integrate web applications with other normal ones.

    Eddie Kessler, the technical lead said that this effort aims at removing the rigorous design and introducing some worth and efficient. Users will now be able to get links to their needed services under a drop down menu unlike previously. The new design will surely alter the way with users will navigate through their normal applications, but it seems a war like challenge to see whether the users will actually love or hate this new change for their use.

    Check out the Google Video -

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