  • Google has taken its idea of self-driving cars to the next level by designing and building its own car from scratch. Its previous attempts involved fitting its systems aboard cars from other automobile manufacturers Google's Self-Driving Car Travels 300,000 Miles Without Any Accident. Google’s fully self-driving car prototype is a small two-seater car that has no accelerator, brakes or steering wheel. All you can find inside are two seats, a small space for passenger luggage, start-stop buttons and a screen that shows the route. The top speed of these cars however is limited to 25mph (40 kmph). The cars have sensors that are able to detect objects out to a distance of two football fields and they are able to get rid of blind spots.

    Google Self Driving Car 1
    Prototype Car ​

    The cars adorn a simplistic look and are devoid of any luxury components like car stereo. Google has a very good reason for it too. It says that it wants to learn the way the cars function in the real world and make changes to its design and working as quickly as possible. Google is planning to build a hundred of these prototype vehicles with manual controls for its safety tests before embarking on a small pilot program in California which is likely to begin in a couple of years.

    Google Self Driving Car 2
    Artist's Rendering of Final Product ​

    To know more about this development, you can head over to the #-Link-Snipped-#, and it’s #-Link-Snipped-#. You can also look at the promotional video below, where for the first time Google allowed civilians to take a ride in its prototype vehicle.

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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberMay 28, 2014

    Awesome news!!! for auto lovers.We all knew that many companies like Tesla, Audi, Google working on auto pilot but Google always leads the race with breaking news!
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
  • Rajni Jain

    MemberMay 28, 2014

    There is a difference between auto pilot car and this one from Google.

    In Auto Pilot cars, even though car has the capability of running in auto pilot made, driver still has all the mechanical controls to handle the unforeseen.

    Here with this prototype, Google needs to come-up with something that will take care of ANY 'YES' you read it right, 'ANY Unforeseen' scenario as they are not giving any opportunity to user to handle any situation using steering, clutch or breaks.
    A passenger will just command the car for the address and it will stop right there, 😒
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorMay 29, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# When you say it like that it does sound scary! 😀 Seems like Google has a long way to go.
    The algorithm company will soon need to handle bigger and more complex scenarios.
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberMay 29, 2014

    Rajni Jain
    There is a difference between auto pilot car and this one from Google.

    In Auto Pilot cars, even though car has the capability of running in auto pilot made, driver still has all the mechanical controls to handle the unforeseen.

    Here with this prototype, Google needs to come-up with something that will take care of ANY 'YES' you read it right, 'ANY Unforeseen' scenario as they are not giving any opportunity to user to handle any situation using steering, clutch or breaks.
    A passenger will just command the car for the address and it will stop right there, 😒
    But if i am a car passenger , i would still want a emergency mechanism with mechanical components to aid in unexpected situations. Though mind says that the tech is good to follow, heart fears about lot of probabilities that May really don't occur in reality .
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  • Vikram S Bargah

    MemberMay 29, 2014

    Well this is something really wonderful. A fusion of Technology & Automobile (m loving it).
    just want to know whether we can change the destination once onboard. and what if we want to stop in the mid way.
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  • Satya Swaroop Dash

    MemberMay 29, 2014

    Google's cars still have a long way to go before they can make it to American roads alteast. The pilot program will begin in a couple of years and finalising a commercial design and government permission will might take more than five to eight years.
    The LIDAR tech being used in the Google cars is very effective as it is also able to detect pedestrians and even see ahead of vehicles in the front. As you might have noted in the video, the cars obey all the rules that are needed, for example it slows down before the turn and speeds up in the corner itself.
    The only question that no one is still asking, is "How much is it gonna cost ?". If it comes with a hefty price tag, like the sort of money you pay for a super car, it will never manage to be a hit.
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberJun 2, 2014

    Today's Deccan Chronicle has an article on Google Gaadi and here are some points highlighted by them:
    1) The company has plans to build 100 prototypes and if all goes correct, Google will start a pilot programme in California. so that the software can be tested by people for first time .
    2) Googles Urmson has stated that their car doesn't need a accelerator , brake etc because their software and sensors would for the required work.
    3) When asked about Googles car in India? - They said that it would take two decades for India to implement plan for driverless cars.
    4)It would be a gift for elderly and differently abled.
    5) Totally ecofriendly
    6) Problems quoted by DC:
    * Reliability of software?
    *Probability of being hijacked because it soley relies on software .
    * Lack of emergency takeover by human? ( If gets locked)

    these were vital points discussed in DC.
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  • Satya Swaroop Dash

    MemberJun 2, 2014

    SarathKumar Chandrasekaran
    3) When asked about Googles car in India? - They said that it would take two decades for India to implement plan for driverless cars.
    Thanks for providing information regarding the availability of Google Cars in India.
    Twenty years seems like a long wait but considering the complex traffic system in the country and the amount of red tapes it has to go through, twenty years seems like a reasonable time.
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
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