Fraunhofer's INCA Intelligent Mini-Camera Captures More Than Just HD Videos

The Olympics just got over recently after we witnessed many exciting events, but what if we wanted to know more about them? For example, while Usain Bolt was running you might have wondered how fast his heart was racing and at what speed he was sprinting towards his gold. Thanks to the INCA intelligent mini camera developed by researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits in Erlangen, Germany now you can obtain additional metadata such as acceleration, temperature or heart rate. INCA can provide broadcast quality videos in HD and the sensors present in the camera provide information such as GPS position, acceleration, temperature and air pressure.


This mini camera measures 2x2x8 cm in dimensions. The camera provides additional connectivity options like Bluetooth and WLAN by which it can connect devices such as heart rate monitors with itself. The camera is sand and dust resistant and also can withstand cold and debris which makes is perfect for extreme conditions. The camera comes with Android OS and apps can be installed on it. The computing unit present in the camera is capable of executing complex algorithms which can help correct errors and compress videos in real time. The camera will be on display at the trade show in Amsterdam from September 7 - 11, 2012. The commercial availability and pricing haven’t been announced yet.

Source: #-Link-Snipped-# Via: Mini-camera with maxi-brainpower - -Press Release August 21, 2012


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