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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 15, 2008

    Nobody wants to discuss this? Surprising!
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  • silverscorpion

    MemberDec 16, 2008

    If you want to be an entrepreneur, go for it. There should be no second thoughts. Even if we fail and however bad that failure might be, it will not be the end of our world.
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  • Lock-Os

    MemberDec 16, 2008

    You know, that's how I exactly feel. While I'm also trying to teach myself as much as possible and pace myself to better my chances of success, as well trying to not upset the hand that feeds me, this pretty much describes me.

    I hate to say this, but most of my fellow engineering students just don't seem all that into the craft part of engineering. They seem to do it mostly to make money and status. I don't know if it's just part of the United States Culture, but the once mechanically inventive and creative people we once were is gone now. The few craft shows showing off home made mechanical inventions are mostly the grounds of old retired folks. Even then, most younger people don't even take the time anymore to actually write clear posts asking for advice or look else where for information.

    I feel quite embarrassed at most of my generation actually.

    Sure, trends change, and sure, people do need to make a living. I don't think that everybody needs to gush out passion with everything they do, but the fact is that the world, or at least my part of it seems like it's on it's death bed and on life support. Technical papers have more passion in them for crying out loud!

    All I'm saying is that I wish people were a bit more lively and have a healthy, stable passion and drive in their work to supplement their need for money to live. That's it. I'm not asking everyone to become blindly passionate, just enough to enjoy life and feel like things matter.
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