  • I think we ought to discuss the EmDrive here at CrazyEngineers. "RF Resonant Cavity Thruster" was first proposed by Roger Shawyer and the latest update from NASA says that EM propulsion was tested in hard vacuum for the first time. The tests have defied Newtonian Law of Physics. The Law of Conservation Of Momentum's got challenged. If this all is true, EmDrive can take us to the moon in matter of few hours and to the Mars in just few days! Boy this is crazy!

    Shawyer's also claimed that the EmDrive can create warp bubbles (the ones you saw in Interstellar movie). He claimed that in the NASA lab, EmDrive created a warp-like bubble that bent space and time around it to let the photons travel faster than the speed of light (yeah, that's right!).

    But frankly, I don't the the way this system works. It's just too much of physics for my little brain. Looking forward to explanations, ideas, concepts.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberMay 3, 2015

    I think it was NASA that claimed the EmDrive can create warp bubbles, not Shawyer.

    I haven't looked through the warp bubble theory yet (don't want my brain to explode), but for those not in the know, the EmDrive in essence converts microwave energy into thrust. Thus eliminating the need for propellants, enabling long space flights.

    This is the #-Link-Snipped-#. Worth to read. Big development on its own right especially after the vacuum test. But the claim of wrap bubbles being discovered inside the EmDrive is something phenomenal.

    #-Link-Snipped-# Perhaps we can pinch some of their members to join CE 😁

    Biggie, do you remember one time we had that CEan scientist from Iran? Who had this huge nuclear theory stuff full of diagrams?
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberMay 3, 2015

    Ah, found it! It was his theory on space warp. Man, I miss these kinda threads 😁

    <a href="">To Remove The Gap Between North & South Countries By The Spacewarp Technology</a>

    Could be valuable contributor for this particular topic. I wonder what he's up to now? #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 3, 2015

    +100 for #-Link-Snipped-# . Hope he gets back to CE to talk about it! 😀
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  • mansouryar

    MemberMay 3, 2015

    I wonder what he's up to now? #-Link-Snipped-#
    Hi ash, my project went classified and I shifted my focus to the environment.
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  • mansouryar

    MemberMay 3, 2015

    Kaustubh Katdare
    +100 for #-Link-Snipped-# . Hope he gets back to CE to talk about it! 😀
    Hi Kaustubh, talk about what? I am not active in this field for a long time ...
    However, it surely is a crazy project, as recently listed in here:

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  • mansouryar

    MemberMay 3, 2015

    About the topic, yesterday I put this comment in my facebook:

    Take a look at best rated comments below the article; as Jon Marx from Warwick, United Kingdom, wrote:

    "Where does it say anything about travelling faster than the speed of light? The EmDrive just generates a tiny thrust, allowing a spacecraft to gently accelerate to high speeds over a long period of time."

    As I've declared years ago, only "distance reduction" methods are considerable to me.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 3, 2015

    Hi Kaustubh, talk about what? I am not active in this field for a long time ...
    However, it surely is a crazy project, as recently listed in here:

    Oh good to have you here after long time. We'd love to have you here on CE to discuss and share your knowledge.

    By the way, this might be a dumb question: but are ion propulsion systems the same as the EmDrives? Is there any chance they can create a space-time warp?
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  • mansouryar

    MemberMay 3, 2015

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Oh good to have you here after long time. We'd love to have you here on CE to discuss and share your knowledge.
    thank you 😀
    By the way, this might be a dumb question: but are ion propulsion systems the same as the EmDrives? Is there any chance they can create a space-time warp?
    I am not an expert for these propulsion systems. They seem to be in one class, but having technical differences is probable.

    create a space-time warp? No, I don't think so ...
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 3, 2015

    Update: My Oh My!
    That article mentions your work. I'll take the liberty to quote it -

    Using wormholes to sidestep the constraints of interstellar space travel sounds great in theory, but we’ll need to be extra careful when tearing a hole in the space-time continuum.

    Back in 2005, Iranian nuclear physicist Mohammad Mansouryar #-Link-Snipped-# for creating a traversable wormhole. By producing enough amounts of effective exotic matter, he theorized that we could theoretically pierce a hole through the cosmological fabric of space-time and create a shortcut for spacecraft.

    Mansouryar’s paper is opaque, and it’s not immediately clear if he’s onto something, but as Anders Sandberg pointed out to io9, the negative consequences could be severe:

    First, wormhole throats need mass-energy (possibly negative) on the scale of a black hole of the same size. Second, making time loops may cause virtual particles to become real and break down the wormhole in an energy cascade. Likely bad for the neighborhood. And besides, dump one end in the Sun and another elsewhere (a la<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Ring %28Baxter Novel%29</a>), and you might drain the Sun and/or irradiate the solar system if it is large enough.

    Yes, killing the Sun is bad. And by irradiation we’re once again talking about the complete sterilization of the Solar System.
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  • mansouryar

    MemberMay 3, 2015

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Update: My Oh My!
    That article mentions your work. I'll take the liberty to quote it -
    yeah, I was younger and crazier! 😏
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